Example sentences of "were [to-vb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Naval vessels were also contributed by Belgium and Italy ( which both on Aug. 21 confirmed that minesweepers sent initially to the eastern Mediterranean were to proceed on to the Gulf ) ; Greece announced on Aug. 20 that a frigate would join the naval forces in the Gulf , and Spain made a similar announcement the following day .
2 The 18+ examinations were seen , as the Secretary of State himself recognized , again partly as another such certificate for those who had stayed the next voluntary two years at school , partly as an aptitude test for those who were to go on to higher education , partly as a still more specific entry requirement for admission to specified courses in institutions of higher education .
3 Just before we were to go upstairs to be photographed , an agitated Nigel Lawson came up to me saying that he wanted a word .
4 If one of these groups were to go over to the other side — as the army did in Romania — the balance of forces would be altered .
5 If it was raining , a handbell rung at the door indicated that we were to go straight to the classrooms .
6 Off you go , ’ and I gathered we were to go back to the beginning and start again .
7 IF WILLIAM CAXTON , the father of British printing , were to come back to life after 500 years in the grave , he would see a lot of changes .
8 These changes were to lead eventually to competition and dissent between the two main providers , particularly in the Eastern District as it was a predominantly rural area .
9 But they did not want change and the link to be forged if it were to lead on to wild and radical measures for democracy , equality , and a social revolution that would threaten their larger position of power within the developing economy .
10 As for the rest of NATO , the cause of world peace , not to say sanity , would be served if these countries were to look back to the decision of 1979 and to admit , even to themselves , that they were wrong .
11 For example , a basalt flow which is moving over a dry , sandy surface is quite well-behaved and peaceful , but if the same flow were to advance on to an area of wet , boggy ground , or on to a snow-field , the water trapped beneath the lava may be heated up and turned into high-pressure steam .
12 She could hear guests on the tennis-courts ; if she were to walk back to the house now , straightway , taking the short cut , she could avoid them .
13 From there , Cara had it all meticulously mapped out : she and Cara were to motor down to Dover to take a ferry to Ostend early on Wednesday morning .
14 Mr. Gow : While recognising the undoubted right of all members of the General Synod to deeply held views for or against the policies of the present Government , would it be helpful if my right Hon. Friend were to point out to the General Synod that its reputation would be enhanced if its members , when in Synod , devoted more time to matters spiritual than to matter political ?
15 Northumberland failed to take her into his personal custody , but their exchanges of letters during her incarceration in Carlisle were to contribute largely to the disastrous Rising of the North in 1569 .
16 The mean age of a sample of thirty-four boys in this group who were to contribute greatly to the later stages of the research was 15 1 years .
17 yeah , well let me just read you two or three verses from Exodus , chapter forty , this is what it says then the cloud covered the tent of meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle and Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle and throughout all their journeys whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle the sons of Israel would set out , but if the cloud was not taken up then they did not set out until the day that it was taken up , for throughout all their journeys the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day and there was fire in it by night , in the sight of all the house in Israel and if you were to turn over to kings you 've got a , you 've got a similar thing there with the dedication of the temple and as Be Ben was saying the power really it 's the it 's the presence of God , the shine , the glory , that cloud of , and so what , what , what catches the Lord Jesus up is really the glory of God here he is , the , the riseness , the glorified Christ being called up into heaven in the , in the glory , what he 's been glorified , so he withdraws his physical , physical presence from one place here on earth to present there on the throne and yet by the holy spirit to be every where now Jesus then , he did n't cease to be truly man at either his resurrection or at his ascension , he stays man , God , the God man all the way through and it 's still true today he is the God man today and that 's important for you and me , think of the very worse experience that you have ever had in your life , think of the very worse experience that could happen to you , with the exception of you know that of , of say total failure of some awful sin , the worse thing , maybe a loss of someone dear to you , someone very close to you , er , er , a bereavement , the most awful experience you have had well he has gone through , he has known that experience , he has , has tempted in all points like as we are he knows our frame , he remembers were dust and he has been there and it is a man who has experienced those same experiences that you and I experience day by day , year after year , it is a man who has gone that , who has walked that path , who is in heaven interceding and praying for us , we 'll stop there cos time has gone erm we 'll stop there , we wo n't go on otherwise I 'll get into trouble During this past month some of the questions in the New Testament , the first one we looked at you remember was that question that Jesus asked of his disciples , do you believe that I am able to do this , then we looked at a question which the disciples asked of Jesus , why could we not cast it out last week we looked at another question , are only a few people going to be saved and this morning I 'd like us it 's the final one of these questions not that there are n't other questions in the New Testament and scores , scores of others but were just looking at four er throughout this month , I 'd like us to look this morning for one at , for a few minutes , at one that Jesus asked of a man who confronted him , I 'd like to read a few verses from Luke chapter eighteen , Luke chapter eighteen I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , it 's the well known account of blind Bartimaeus , Luke chapter eighteen and verse thirty five and he came about that as Jesus was approaching Jericho a certain blind man was sitting by the road begging , now hearing a multitude going by he began to inquire
18 If one area were to turn out to be a tax haven , property and house prices would rise ( capitalizing the favourable tax bill ) in this area , so reducing its .
19 After the Lateran Council all men over fifteen and women over twelve were to confess annually to their own priest ( permission was needed for confession to another ) and were to take communion each Easter .
20 The Treasurer and barons of the Exchequer were ordered to examine Domesday Book and other records and documents in the Exchequer and Treasury which might throw light on this question , and to report to the Council : former officers of the Forest , such as Hugh Despenser , were to deliver up to the Chancellor and Treasurer all relevant documents in their possession and custody .
21 Suppose he were to marry only to be faced with mutton broth ?
22 My real aims were to get through to John and to keep him alive in people 's minds so that he could n't be forgotten .
23 On Oct. 1 Russian observers who had arrived in Baku , the Azerbaijani capital , on Sept. 28 to monitor the ceasefire , were reported as saying that in Kazakh district there were no hostilities and that they were to move on to Kubatlin district next day .
24 If Englishmen in America were to push on to the west , it was fairly predictable that there would be clashes with the thinly scattered Indian population , and it was quite certain that if they went far enough either west or north they would meet the French .
25 In 864 , the Edict of Pîtres ordered that peasants who had fled because of the Vikings should not be oppressed by counts or others in the places in which they had found refuge : they were to return home to their original lordships but they should be allowed to keep their earnings from working in the vineyards ; on the other hand , if they had married and fathered offspring while resident in others ' lordships , the wives and children were to remain with those lords .
26 The problem of transforming Darwin 's pangenetic theory to square it with cytology in general , and with Weismann 's theory in particular , was taken up most systematically by De Vries ; and later developments leading to the theory of the gene were to owe much to his solution : ‘ intracellular pangenesis ’ .
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