Example sentences of "were [v-ing] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Edward came to Corfe from a hunt , and while his attendants were seeing to the dogs she allured him to her with female blandishment and made him lean forward . ’
2 Suddenly they met burnt chip contamination and had to shut down the production line , a major anxiety as they were producing to a tight schedule in a ‘ Just in time ’ situation .
3 Her hands were sticking to the wheel .
4 ‘ That week orchestras around the world programmed the Adagietto as an elegy to Lenny 's memory , ’ Kaplan recalls , ‘ and while the precedent had been set by Bernstein himself [ he had conducted the movement at a memorial service for Koussevitzky and later at the funeral of US Senator Robert Kennedy ] , I was afraid that these ultra-slow , sad performances were helping to a trend into a false tradition . ’
5 Investigations came hot on the heels of the new sound and realistic films and by the time of The Public Enemy and Scarface things were building to a crescendo .
6 At the same time , events across the North Sea were building to a crisis .
7 Then , noting that clouds were building to the west , he took his afternoon walk about the fashionable quarter of Brussels .
8 Well , the two weeks were drawing to a close and we rounded the point of Sørkapp ( South Cape ) and headed back towards Longyearbyen .
9 It was as if the energies within my brain and body were reacting to the energies within the crypt and a flowing , pulsing feeling of warmth came over me , somewhat similar to my feeling after a session of Reichian therapy .
10 It also shows that , when Russian enterprises reacted to the reforms by jacking up prices and withholding output , they were not doing so because they could not adapt to the bewildering change around them ; they were reacting to the incentives they faced , which said that goods were stores of value while money was not .
11 They each knew what they were bringing to the project .
12 Lots of people were returning to the hut , but lots were going on to the Ober Gabelhorn .
13 It was Diane who proposed that they should go over and take a look at the labs where Jenner had worked and Reynolds agreed , more than a little relieved that they were returning to the main subject ; he was made uncomfortable by Diane 's self revelation and the way in which it had begun to erode his easy preconceptions of her and her ‘ type ’ .
14 Former President Daniel Ortega Saavedra said that supporters of the former right-wing dictator Gen. Anastasio Somoza were returning to the country and attacking the FSLN .
15 There had always been a radical element in the local Labour parties and this was now augmented by former members of the ILP who were returning to the Labour Party in large numbers .
16 But we were driving to the ice-cap anyway and needed to reach the peaks by nightfall .
17 ‘ I saw him look at it in the car when we were driving to the Lubianka .
18 A mini-moke waited for them , and soon they were driving to the beach house through acres of Thai beachland and greenery .
19 As we were walking to the next hole I tried to think of the right things to say to him , so I said , ‘ Greg , do me a favour .
20 They were walking to the boat .
21 Just before the clock struck five the next morning , Gabriel and Coggan were walking to the hayfields past their mistress 's house , when they saw a surprising sight .
22 But when we talked directly with them , they refused to confirm this , they refused to put us in touch with the ship , they refused to confirm whether or not er the four activists who were walking to the test site had been apprehended , whether they 're safe , whether they 're being held separately , and so on .
23 Others will talk about themselves as ‘ he ’ or ‘ she ’ and describe what is taking place as though it were happening to a character in a television play .
24 The federal government decided that exports of vegetables were contributing to the soaring inflation rate , and banned them .
25 The foregoing is fully applicable to the motivation of all those individuals who influenced the events which were creating the religious climate and who , unbeknown to themselves were contributing to the Created God .
26 When this was fed back to the operators , they were quickly able to see how their actions were contributing to the effluent and to make substantial reductions in the amount of ammonia leaving the plant .
27 Dietary concentrations of other minerals and of vitamins were according to the AIN-76 recommendations .
28 The genesis of these provisions was the widespread belief that the operations of share-pushers were damaging to the integrity of the markets , and contrary to the public interest .
29 In effect , they were tending to the view that the very change in law brings about a change in the nature of society and human relationships within it .
30 Ambulance crews were tending to the injured .
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