Example sentences of "were [v-ing] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The boys , meanwhile , were yanking on elastic-sided ankle boots ; very hip , very Beatles .
2 Something the Wild Geese used to say — the Irish soldiers who had fled Ireland after that big battle at the end of the seventeenth century when they were dying on foreign battlefields they used to say : ‘ Would that this were for Ireland . ’
3 As had been the case during the Exclusion Crisis , Tories and Anglicans repeatedly argued that the Nonconformists were acting on popish principles in seeking to destroy both Church and State .
4 Men here , in various stages of undress , were pulling on outer clothing and armour .
5 We were going on cross-country skis pulling pulks ( little sledges ) .
6 It were getting on late and I says and er were there , oh we 'll walk you home Sarah said alright then says come on let's go through woods .
7 Me and Kate were getting on great .
8 We were getting on great and at the end they asked if we had drink at home .
9 I thought they were getting on fine . ’
10 So I said you were getting on okay
11 Many of these birds were feeding on tiny crabs with which the sands were teeming .
12 When boats were travelling on improved sections they would go in pairs .
13 But when they tried to leave Nepal , officials discovered they were travelling on fake visas , bought in good faith .
14 She felt as though she were treading on thin ice and any false move might plunge her once more into the dark depths of despair .
15 There was no chilled Cristal champagne or smoked salmon and the floodlights could hardly be dimmed but , David , the night was full of excitement and emotions were running on four-star .
16 This is this is fairly new to us we bought the company because it was doing exactly what we were doing on other products .
17 Mostly he always used to take the mickey out of the girls because they always used to talk about their boy-friends and what they were doing on different nights and that , because you see , most of them went out with boys from the same school , see , and he knew them .
18 one of the reasons for introducing the community charge that and it 's ironic that it was just possible , especially in nineteen erm ninety erm that the community charge was meaning wa was bringing about a change where people were voting on local issues , the prime local issue of course being what would be the level of the , of the community charge .
19 They were standing on rough wooden boards .
20 They were standing on opposite sides of the fallen queen .
21 Oh , the solemn woods over which the light and shadow travelled swiftly , as if Heavenly wings were sweeping on benignant errands through the summer air ; the smooth green slopes , the glittering water , the garden where the flowers were so sympathetically arranged in clusters of the richest colours , how beautiful they looked !
22 I do recall that visit , and I remember the great enthusiasm with which the governors , head teacher and staff were embarking on grant-maintained status .
23 We were talking on open telephone lines . ’
24 We were sitting on adjacent banquettes at whatever that school of ours was called ( Stuart will know — ask Stuart ) .
25 They were sitting on opposite sides of the small hollow .
26 She led her up a stone staircase into a small room where Brownies were sitting on wooden toadstools .
27 Twelve hares were roasting on forked twigs over a charcoal fire .
28 On April 21 the Yemeni Deputy Information Minister Amakal Alim Susawa confirmed that Yemen had made a written offer to Saudi Arabia for discussions , after the latter had informed at least four foreign oil companies that they were trespassing on Saudi property .
29 It was legal to seize cattle which were trespassing on fenced land , but such action could lead to an accusation of theft .
30 The drama began after the man 's colleagues , who were working on neighbouring boats off the Southport coast , became concerned about their friend .
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