Example sentences of "were [vb pp] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Thus were explained anatomically the enormous jaws , high cheek bones , prominent superciliary arches , solitary lines on the palms , extreme size of the orbits , handle-shaped or sessile ears found in criminals , savages and apes , insensibility of pain , extremely acute sight , tattooing , excessive idleness , love of orgies and the irresistible craving for evil for its own sake …
2 And here we learn something new , for though the sculptor has chosen to leave the left hand exposed he gives us an indication as to how shrouds were placed once the body had been encoffined : the right sleeve has been pulled down over its hands and gently tucked under the fingers .
3 Earlier in the chapter , reasons were given why the mythology surrounding this event should be questioned .
4 It is believed that the great bluestones of which Stonehenge is constructed were floated up the Wiltshire Avon .
5 And they were treated exactly the same as any other player who came through .
6 No special arrangements were made in the law for people ‘ cohabiting ’ , but the Assistance Board and their successors were expected to use their discretionary powers to ensure that such people were treated just the same as married couples .
7 If being nice to infants is a way of currying favour with females , the benefits ought to be discernible in the way males were treated once the observer females were let loose .
8 As tasks were broken down the office became like a production line for mental work .
9 The burdens were carried on the back , the weight being supported by a tump-line across the forehead .
10 Survey ships were carried on the Navy List , but Navy personnel remained aboard on sufferance only .
11 Passengers had perforce to ride , and goods were carried on the backs of packhorses or mules .
12 In Ancient Egypt , pig footprints were considered just the right depth for sowing corn , and at planting time , the farmer would walk behind a pig , dropping seeds in the impressions .
13 He recorded verdicts of accidental death and urged anyone who dumps a fridge or freezer to make sure the door hinges were smashed so the tragedy could n't be repeated .
14 Amongst the curiosities was a series of Tradescant portraits , which were hung on the gallery walls .
15 His jackets were hung on the backs of chairs , his triumphantly acquired groceries were stacked in the sitting-room , his cigar butts filled the ashtrays and his glasses had made rings on the surface of the poolside table .
16 The consequences of this dependence were seen when the flow was cut off so abruptly after 1982 .
17 However , in the presence of NCp7 and RT , much higher levels of cDNA were produced ( lanes 7–12 ) and 3–5 additional bands were seen when the products were exposed to UV .
18 The last straw was located about 10 or 15ft from safety , at which handholds seemed to disappear altogether and aching feet were scrunched up the tiniest of ripples .
19 Since both the Victoria and the Caledonian Press explicitly claimed to be offering work to women who really needed it , and who might never marry , arguments about the appropriateness of married women working were not particularly relevant , but they were made just the same : woman should be " man 's helpmeet not his rival "
20 While his crimes , he said , were not the ‘ worst form of indecent assault ’ they were made all the more serious because of his position .
21 As quality feature films were produced so the anxieties and introspection could give way to congratulation and to a new hyperbole .
22 As much as 85 per cent of cars had a radio , and over half were used whenever the car was driven .
23 If a 20 Megaton bomb were used today the damage would be incalculable .
24 First larger vehicles were used so the tons per load figure was higher .
25 ‘ The first week , they plodded up the stairs and when we took them out for the day they were wiped out the next .
26 ( If more volume really were needed then the direct outputs could be fed to a stereo power amp and then to additional speakers , but I 'm sure Marshall have aimed the S80 at a specific player who would find its volume adequate and who , if he or she needed more , would probably upgrade to a more powerful Marshall product . )
27 Up to 60 staff at S and S Press in Abingdon were told yesterday the company was going out of business and their services were no longer required .
28 The two were never in danger and were helped down the trail by the men whose job it is to protect all presidents and vice-presidents .
29 Before the New World was discovered and Australian resources were opened up the only source of opals known was situated in the Libanka and Simonka mountains north of Kosice in eastern Slovakia .
30 The two songs were played back the next day by the tired twosome .
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