Example sentences of "were [adj] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But my towels were dry enough to iron .
2 The fact that you were weak enough to choose them in the first place is another thing altogether , ’ she finished triumphantly .
3 However , when the Parkers passed by , some were cruel enough to refer to the minister and his attractive wife as ‘ The Beauty and the Beast ’ .
4 Fortunately , they were professional enough to do the gig , but it served no useful purpose .
5 You were grateful not to have been born a boy , for that meant the probability of dying in war .
6 In Latin America , Africa , and Asia , peasants might make a similar journey to market with a few chickens or other stock and produce if the fare were low enough to leave some profit .
7 Forest landowners could not even erect fences or hedges unless they were low enough to allow the deer to enter and leave , consequently crops were often destroyed by them .
8 The ground floor windows were low enough to look in and he could see into the-little office , which was empty .
9 ‘ And what exactly do you think I might do to Kirsty if you were rash enough to leave her alone with me ? ’
10 On occasion we were able to produce small fragments of intact retina that were suitable for microspectrophotometry and yet were extensive enough to answer the present question .
11 We assumed that we would be in control of the reaction , that we were strong enough to channel it .
12 But it remained uncertain whether they were strong enough to create conditions in which peace could be negotiated even on the most minimal of their terms .
13 When Peron was overthrown , these organisations were strong enough to resist opposition .
14 But after a century this ‘ artificial ’ system had created a political life and interests of its own which were strong enough to resist its replacement .
15 In the sixth century its ancient Christian traditions were strong enough to sustain resistance to Justinian 's attempts to dictate doctrine to the church .
16 ( And even if the political will did exist , he doubted whether the institutions which would have to translate it into collective action were strong enough to do so . )
17 These two combines were strong enough to focus filmmakers ' creative and entrepreneurial energies , but not so dominant that they crushed out other centres of initiative .
18 An essential part of all eel tanks is sliding glass covers , so these were duly closed and the eels left to themselves for the night while I hoped that they were strong enough to survive the constant stress that they had endured over the past thirty-six hours .
19 The analysis of human motives is , of course , a precarious undertaking ; but some of the connections made in the past between scientific and religious ideals were strong enough to bear reconstruction in such terms .
20 She carried a small basket in her hand containing food for her frugal evening meal , although the rancid smells around her were strong enough to diminish any desire to eat — she had not yet grown sufficiently accustomed to them to ignore them .
21 It was introduced by confident elites who were strong enough to pay minimal wages and subject workers to appalling and often highly dangerous conditions ( particularly in the mining industry ) , extremely arduous hours of work and quick — if necessary , brutal — repression of worker demands .
22 ‘ Fox , although allowing me complete control over the physical side of making the picture , were strong enough to prevent me changing the script , ’ he said .
23 But even this overestimates the degree of homogeneity : some Nigerians were rich enough to escape being ‘ black ’ ; some whites were always too poor ever to be ‘ white ’ .
24 What had happened that morning to make you think , Farag , that you were rich enough to afford a wife ? ’
25 Despite this , his marks were high enough to win him a sought after place in the Indian Army .
26 He now thought that speciation could take place across a continuous territory if the conditions at the extremes of a species ' range were different enough to promote distinct ecological specializations .
27 They replied that Edmund left no claim to his brothers and had wanted Cnut to support and protect his sons until they were old enough to rule , and they also swore that they wished to elect Cnut king , humbly obey him , and pay tribute to his army .
28 Women left behind by the emigrants , ‘ widows ’ who had not heard from their husbands for decades , daughters growing up without fathers , without grandfathers , without brothers -once they too were old enough to leave — were hungry for men , everyone knew that , and the law made its profits from the devils — Greed and Lust and Envy — that scampered among humans playing a deadly tag in which all the players are caught and brought down , one by one .
29 The famous Protestant clans of Mulhouse relied on one another : André Koechlin , son-in-law of the Dollfus who founded Dollfus-Mieg ( both he and his father had married into the Miegs ) , took over the firm until his four brothers-in-law were old enough to manage it , while his uncle Nicholas ran the Koechlin family firm ‘ with which he associated exclusive ] y his brothers and brothers-in-law as well as his old father ’ .
30 In fact , within two years I had gone to the other extreme , washing shorts for lads who were old enough to do it for themselves , and baking cakes for the sole purpose of giving them away .
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