Example sentences of "were [verb] about the " in BNC.

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1 A variety of difficulties were foreseen about the ability of fundholders to continue making savings .
2 One witness had disappeared , two more had been intimidated ; doubts were aroused about the ANC 's commitment to the rule of law .
3 Warnings were given about the consequences of this sort of behaviour as there was a localised backlash against the Beijing students .
4 In Action 159 ( page 2 ) incorrect details were given about the second consultation on communication studies in Latin American seminaries to be held in July 1992 .
5 No details were given about the content of the comments , unlike those of the previous consultation on the PREPP recommendations , but it is known that while the community proposals had the broad backing of nursing unions and organisations , all had some reservations , and these have not been addressed .
6 In relation to the North sea , I am sure that the Minister will recall that during the Kincardine and Deeside by-election , various hints and half-promises were given about the transfer of the petroleum exploration division jobs to Aberdeen .
7 Assurances were given about the number of lesson visits on which judgments about teachers ' competence would be based , and an attempt to make the procedure more ‘ egalitarian ’ , or ‘ fraternal ’ was blocked .
8 In a very short time , the two of them , together with Mrs Diggory , were fussing about the dog in the library , with bowls of warm water , blankets , an old sheet torn in strips , and even some milk laced with laudanum unearthed from the late Lady Merchiston 's store of medicines in the attics .
9 Many of them grumbled , but other gang-bosses got their men on their feet and soon all the navvies in the camp were gathered about the tent .
10 I was gon na say about sex education that when I was learning at school , it 's also very male dominated erm it was , I mean you were talking about erm what 's i li , the differences between males and females learning about sex education and wha , and we were learnt about the the man having pleasure , we were taught about the man having the erection and the man having the orgasm , I mean , we did n't even know what a clitoris was !
11 ‘ And if rumour were to go about the levels that the T'ang has lost something important and would clear a deck to find it ?
12 What a load of old cobblers … dare n't tell you what Hereford supporters were singing about the ref tho … to the first division now … a draw for Oxford … defeat for Swindon
13 Even so , pyramid-shaped stone bases for medium-sized double-axes survive in the Labyrinth , proving that double-axes were scattered about the building , like crucifixes in a church .
14 Dining chairs were scattered about the room ; there was a battered filing cabinet with a bulging , open drawer next to a massive sideboard with a marble top .
15 The Easter egg , overcome by heat , too much food , and an excess of wine , had to go and stand outside the door for a little fresh air , but came back full of verve and ready to tackle some of Willi 's bonbons that were scattered about the room in dishes in case anyone felt the need of more to eat .
16 Only between twenty and thirty guests were left and they were scattered about the gardens like so much confetti .
17 A few pupils in some classes were interviewed about the methods they used to answer the questions and most used doubling and halving as expected .
18 Sixty practitioners were interviewed about the theory and practice of care programming .
19 Labour politicians , even those with a training in economics , were muddled about the issues , and generally seemed to favour the historic average cost principles , which also seemed to many at the time to be enshrined in the wording of the Act , which merely required the industry to break even ‘ taking one year with another ’ .
20 Long before the Gulf crisis , American , British and French ministries of defence were warning about the new threat from the South — the increase in missiles and chemical weapons , the danger of fanatics , fundamentalists , drug traffickers and so forth .
21 ‘ They were writing about the country , but they were n't from it .
22 Men still do this — they talk of men 's struggles , movements and characteristics as if they were writing about the whole class .
23 And yet they were writing about the same place , and both of them knew it intimately , and had known it for years .
24 However , they too were disturbed about the physical efficiency of the population and proposed that motherhood should be specially encouraged among the middle and upper classes in which the birth rate was declining .
25 There is a chief superintendent in RUC Headquarters whose sole responsibility is community relations , and no complaints were made about the level of managerial support given them by Easton 's senior officers , something unusual for ordinary policemen and women in the RUC , and particularly so compared to community policing sections in other forces ( Grimshaw and Jefferson 1987 ) .
26 Moreover , and although certain persuasive remarks were made about the desirability of shifting the balance towards science and technology , no sustained attempt at manpower planning was to be made .
27 The nature of this particular situation added an emotional element that made the task even more difficult , and many subjective statements were made about the transformation , statements that appeared to reflect the concern of the analysts for the recipients of the service ( for instance , making old people comfortable in their last few years , and providing caring services for terminally old people ) .
28 In the 1950s some very powerful films were made about the reactions of children to separation from their parents when admitted to hospital or residential nurseries .
29 Vastly inflated claims were made about the membership , which reached its peak in 1925 — 6 with several thousand active members .
30 The sixth application was dismissed as an abuse of the process of the court in November 1991 , and directions were made about the procedures to be adopted in future applications .
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