Example sentences of "were [adj] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of the world 's telecoms deregulatory efforts were half-hearted at most .
2 Telling him you were pregnant at that point in time was the height of selfishness , ’ he went on .
3 Er which were normal at that time .
4 Admittedly , there is a larger number of fourth century pavements ( differential preservation may be an important factor here ) : before the 1960's , but for those from Wheeler 's excavation at Verulamium , few pre-fourth century pavements were datable at all .
5 That changes were possible at all even in this most sacred area of ritual meant that changes were possible elsewhere .
6 Differences of opinion on nomenclature were rife at this time .
7 Most socialists , if they were interested at all , took their foreign policy from middle-class radicals , and pacifist politics continued to be dominated by essentially Cobdenite assumptions about the relationship between capitalism and peace .
8 There were other variations too : some ships had low prows and high sterns , whilst others were high at both ends .
9 Keoi look like ordinary human individuals — men and women — and in fact they were this at some time , but they performed a forbidden act which transformed them into keoi .
10 He maintained that the distribution of tillites and patterns of glacial striations produced by ice sheets during the Late Palaeozoic glaciation ( now termed the Gondwana Ice Age ) found in the now widely dispersed continental areas of southern Africa , Australia , South America , India and Antarctica indicated that these land masses were contiguous at that time and probably located fairly close to the South Pole .
11 In 1949 many West European states joined America in making the NATO alliance and there were some at that time who believed in forging an ‘ Atlantic community ’ .
12 The Labour leader told an audience of business people , academics and professionals that his aim was to return to the situation of the 1960s , when fewer than one million were unemployed at any time and then mainly for short periods .
13 Mr Sutherland said the waters were dangerous at this time of year and contained almost no haddock .
14 What , what happened if you were ill at all or anything in the early days , did , did were you allowed time off for illness ?
15 The Catholics were euphoric at this outcome :
16 The transmission at sites outside the brain by acetylcholine or by noradrenaline was established unequivocally ( see Chapters 6 and 12 ) and later it was established that both these substances were present at many sites inside the brain and spinal cord .
17 Leaves , if they were present at all , were humble scales or spine-like projections .
18 They were present at all subsequent coronations until that of King Charles II at Scone on Ne'er Day 1651 — the last coronation at Scone and the last in Scotland .
19 We know from the appearances that you were present at that enquiry .
20 All Nottinghamshire Conservative Members were present at that debate , and they voted against the Bill .
21 Neither Picasso nor Braque , the true creators of the movement , were present at any of these gatherings .
22 But , as Schopf asks , if such diverse communities were present at this early date , why did their members remain essentially unchanged for so long ?
23 industrial and human relations were better at both extremes of the scale than in large-batch and mass production companies , possibly owing to heavier pressure on all individuals in this type of organisation ; and
24 Cole and Scribner point out that the specific skill developed for this purpose can be transferred to other tasks : they tested literates and illiterates in the Vai script for their ability to distinguish and reproduce units of meaning when heard as a continuous flow , and discovered that the literates were better at this task ( 1981 ) .
25 There 's still folk around here will tell you they never were married at all , but it 's a lie : my Aunt Florrie was char at Registry Office , and she saw them there . ’
26 Perhaps they were all at this well-attended W.I. meeting , where not only hats , but coats and fur stoles seems to have been the thing .
27 We were astounded at this wealth .
28 Whilst there were many at this level of farming there were also those who were struggling to get going .
29 Contacts with the Cuban embassy were good at that time , with the revolution just six years old .
30 Lines angles and intersections , you were good at that , you were using your compass and doing things okay , and geometry of the circle , I , as I say tend tend to leave that with all the
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