Example sentences of "were [verb] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Only the barons , knights and free tenants were to enjoy these rights .
2 Before the study began , few people knew about the dolphin , but the upsurge in public interest prompted many locals to claim that they were seeing more dolphins recently than ever before , whereas in fact they had probably just taken greater notice of something that had always been there .
3 The conclusions were challenged by Mr Joe Rich , chairman of the British Dental Association 's General Dental Services Committee , who said it was ‘ probably true ’ that more teeth were being extracted because dentists were seeing more patients .
4 None had been seen at that time in the Harwell experiments that preceded ZETA but Kurchatov announced that the Soviets were seeing some neutrons which were due to fusion occurring , but were unlikely to be from thermonuclear fusion because the rate of their production did not vary with current in the expected way .
5 From then on , every two years or so , they were to acquire more brothers and sisters : Elizabeth ; Mary , who died the year after her birth ; then Sarah or Susanna , baptised along with a new Mary in 1784 .
6 BY last night two teachers were outstripping all others in the race to be Teacher of the Year .
7 In the Gulf , in addition to the Kleenex , everywhere they went , no matter what time of day , they were given little cups of very strong coffee to drink .
8 ‘ You were given these mysteries , were n't you , Rachel ? ’
9 That 's where we were given these rosettes ; on the bus .
10 As an aid in their redesign , the executives were given some handouts that described a different set of behaviours .
11 Subjects heard sentences from four different sets , in random order , and after a distractor task , were given a forced-choice recognition test in which they were given both sentences they had originally heard and new sentences which were constructed either by combining information from within a set , or combining information from different sets .
12 The , in other words , your emotions were reflecting these kinds of calculations .
13 In early 1990 only five per cent of children in care in Flanders were using such services ( Lammertyn and Antoons , 1990 ) .
14 They were using these records to increase their sales of chocolate .
15 ‘ Some students were using these kites to haul grain from the bottom of a Welsh mountain right to the top .
16 A group of children were using some workcards designed by the teacher to give them experience of working independently and helping one another over difficulties .
17 And they were sawing these slates in into blocks , you know sawing them square like into the size of the slate , they were quite handy .
18 He warned that material shortages resulting from such export bans were bringing many enterprises to a standstill .
19 An anonymous reviewer of the book in the Times Literary Supplement declared : ‘ If a student of British politics were to demand some precepts to guide his researches , the compiler would have little difficulty about the first and most significant maxim in the creed .
20 Kähler 's thought , and the distinction he drew , were to find many echoes in later debate , along with the work of Schweitzer , and we shall meet these questions again .
21 He saw her sorrow and wanted to weep , too , but men were forbidden such luxuries .
22 I find it odd that the position has so changed compared with 15 months ago when I became Secretary of State , when some Conservative Members were alleging that standards had declined and Opposition Members were denying those allegations .
23 The next morning Bathsheba and her maid Liddy were dusting some books , when a visitor arrived at the front door .
24 This over-vigilance or sensitization meant that you were noticing all sorts of minor physical symptoms you would have normally ignored … .
25 Erm and I I ca n't help wondering , this is perhaps something that Mr Donson may well want to come back to , erm what Mr Donson 's position would be at subsequent local plan inquiries where local plans were to contain such policies and there was was n't to be a strategic basis er for those policies .
26 This is because economic loss can be of unforeseen proportions , can far exceed , in many cases the total contract value , and thus be a risk which it is for all practical purposes beyond the financial strength of most businessmen to assume , particularly if they were to accept such risks routinely in all their business dealings .
27 Flowerbed obstacles were installed several months ago in both Magdalen Road and Howard Street , but have won few friends .
28 By his order dated 12 May 1992 Waite J. directed that in the interim pending a further hearing in the events that ( 1 ) J. 's medical condition changed so that his life was threatened but was capable of being prolonged by intensive therapeutic measures including artificial ventilation , and ( 2 ) he was at that time in the health authority 's care and ( 3 ) the required drugs and equipment were or could reasonably be made available , the health authority were to cause such measures , including artificial ventilation , to be applied to J. for so long as they were capable of prolonging his life .
29 The practical effects of this regulation were to cause many students to register for 12 modules but participate seriously in only 10 ; to cause them to stack their choices , so that modules which they needed or intended to pass were taken in terms 1 and 2 , and to bias apparent but not real demand towards term 3 .
30 And not only have they consumed practically a quart of maple ice-cream , but just before I came in here they were ordering some pizzas !
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