Example sentences of "were [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Don Peters knew when he went to the podium that the odds were stacked heavily against him gaining the support of Nate Cocello and the committee .
2 There was a smell of stale cigarette smoke and some unwashed cups were stacked neatly in the sink , but the room was ferociously clean .
3 Old tins and coils of wire were stacked willy-nilly in the corners , along with odd-shaped bits of metal and jam jars with nails in them .
4 Ace glanced around , noting the clay bottles and pots sealed with wax that were stacked together in rickety cupboards .
5 This is a large village with earthworks on the periphery which were excavated initially by David Hall in advance of redevelopment for houses .
6 Within seconds of each other , the two remaining freighters were ripped apart in great swathes of flame , sending white hot metal and sprays of burning oil through the cavern .
7 They said whole fields were ripped up into the air !
8 Italian and other styles were ripped out of their European context when , during the 1980s , it became permissible for young people in Britain , and most significantly young men , to be interested in fashion on a scale undreamed of in the 60s and the 70s .
9 The air-conditioning ducts serving his quarters and bureaux as well as the politburo 's chamber and other appropriate parts of the building were ripped out in a most difficult , complicated exercise .
10 These were lengthened selectively for a limited-stop service after ten new trailers were ordered for delivery in 1960 .
11 ‘ The anti-aircraft rockets I fired were propelled up to a height of 1,000 yards .
12 Extraordinary as the two operations were , they were propelled along by the belief of many players — both principals and walkers-on — — that the ends were just .
13 Or maybe a process of natural selection had winnowed out the overworked and discontented , the theoretical and jaded and left the few who were propelled back to the school by the same affection , curiosity and remembered enthusiasm that had drawn us .
14 Most British coalfields were developed away from established population centres and required the provision of housing for miners recruited from elsewhere .
15 New roads were developed soon after the arrival of the railway but fortunately the present recreation ground overlooking the sea was preserved from building .
16 The remaining schemes were developed either on an LEA-wide basis or by schools working individually or in groups of six to eight .
17 The Belfast methods , on the other hand , were developed primarily for the study of closeknit communities — and indeed it is likely that they are particularly and rather generally suitable for urban or rural communities of this type .
18 The first two generations of robots and their technologies were developed largely in the US by organisations like MIT and Unimation Inc .
19 These feelings of isolation and insecurity , combined with a belief in a ‘ special destiny ’ , were developed further by the Marxist-Leninist ideology with which the Soviet leadership was associated after 1917 .
20 Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation .
21 But such work often involves using older and younger women as tests of psychological theories which were developed mainly from male samples , like theories of moral development ( Gilligan 1982 ) , adolescence ( Beckett 1986 ) , transfer into the job market ( Griffin 1986 ) , and middle age ( Barnett and Baruch 1985 ) .
22 Long spines on the exterior of the shell were developed especially during the Carboniferous .
23 The electronic versions of these documents might be crucial if the historians wanted to understand how the documents were developed especially in those environments where cooperative work software or groupware had been used to enhance the performance of those producing documents .
24 A lot of psychological theories were developed initially from studies of wholly male samples : theories of achievement motivation , moral development , and social categorization , for instance ( McClelland et al .
25 The last minutes of their lives were pieced together by forensic teams hunting the killers .
26 A flower study by the seventeenth-century Flemish painter , Baptiste , is certainly by the artist , and bears his signature : but the blooms ( and signature ) were pieced together from pirated canvases .
27 He gave the impression that the agents were to a large extent out of DK 's strict control and that the agents were policed largely on the basis of responding to complaints and taking remedial action where appropriate or possible .
28 Even the hardened faggots of Manhattan ( I fancied ) were gazing down at us with concern from their lofts and condos and thinking — we 're pretty brazen , God knows , but these guys , they 'll queer the whole pitch .
29 Were those dark eyes that were gazing down at her really Guido 's ?
30 And if the base of the wall could not be penetrated , movable towers were built which could be wheeled up to attack the wall from without ; in the longer sieges , such as that of Antioch during the First Crusade , fixed towers were erected over against the walls to harry the defenders and enable a watch to be kept on them .
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