Example sentences of "were [verb] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 In the early industrial period , where there was an expansion of domestic industrial production , one can see very clearly that co-operative strategies were developed to ensure that the domestic industry was viable .
2 These were checked to determine that the part of speech assigned in the corpus was one of the possible tags for the word in the Text710 lexicon .
3 From the very few interviews we conducted we were given to understand that the birth parents would not have opposed adoption if the links could be maintained ( Lambert et al . ,
4 We were given to understand that the A.S.R. boats did not put out on the express orders of the A.O.C. that they would be too vulnerable to air attack .
5 We were given to understand that you asked for this article . ’
6 After Hitler had again suggested in a speech in mid-March 1941 that Britain would be conquered and the war ended finally in Germany 's favour within the next year , people were heard to remark that ‘ the Führer had never held out a prospect of something which had not happened ’ , and that one could therefore unquestionably rely upon the imminent defeat of Britain and end of the war .
7 A number of non-British visitors were heard to mutter that it would not have happened at Frankfurt .
8 Even some Party functionaries were heard to say that it would be better if Goebbels stopped writing and speaking altogether .
9 However , people were heard to say that only the Führer himself now believed in a miracle .
10 Recall was aided by use of a pictorial daily health diary , on which mothers were taught to record that the child was healthy or to mark the occurrence of diarrhoea , cough , or any other illness .
11 ‘ At Oxford we were taught to assume that if words ca n't explain , nothing else is likely to . ’
12 Does the fact that half of the sample of Conservative Members said that there should be no change in income tax in this Budget invalidate a survey in which well over half the hon. Lady 's colleagues who were consulted said that the basic rate of income tax should go up ?
13 He had only been back for a few hours when company orders were posted showing that Colonel Hamilton wished to see Lance-Corporal Trumper at eleven hundred hours the following morning .
14 The recommendations were intended to ensure that the small claims court would be well used , especially by people without legal representation .
15 Both of these measures were intended to ensure that banks continued to regard the traditional discount market as an important outlet for surplus funds and source of liquidity in the event of shortage .
16 It is possible that Chilperic 's actions immediately after his father 's death were intended to ensure that he was not excluded from the succession by his half-brothers .
17 Although most educated men were predisposed to believe that white-skinned , richly clothed Europeans like themselves must belong to a species altogether different from that of the dark-skinned , naked savages described by the traveller-ethnographers , there was the awkward fact that the book of Genesis declares that the whole of mankind is descended from Noah .
18 Departments were expected to ensure that paper series were preserved , that suitable selections were made from them , and that lists itemising the contents of administrative series were produced .
19 As a result of sharp cuts in state subsidies prices of essential goods doubled overnight , and increases in the prices of other goods were expected to outstrip that as they found true market levels .
20 And if you were to try to extend that very demanding conception over the dandelions and the tapeworms as well , you would be in trouble .
21 These were designed to ensure that consumers were protected , but at the same time companies earned a fair rate of return on their investment .
22 However , if the condition in question were designed to ensure that all operators of fishing vessels were based in the United Kingdom , it would inhibit the export of fish by British flag vessels to other member states and so constitute a breach of article 34 of the E.E.C .
23 Of these , 102 episodes fitted the criteria described in the methods section , which were designed to ensure that the effects of swallowing or straining did not influence assessment of the effect of reflux on UOS pressures .
24 Engineers were reported to suspect that one of the telescope 's two mirrors had been manufactured to slightly incorrect specifications , resulting in a distortion of images in the visible spectrum .
25 And they were shattered to discover that the ir much-publicised ‘ Run With The Ball ’ scheme , devised last year to recompense players for the increased commitment required at international level , has made a loss because of advertising and expenses .
26 A couple of paragraphs of lay anthropology were added to suggest that black people in Africa had accomplished ‘ virtually nothing ’ before ‘ the White Man came ’ .
27 However , the majority of teachers who were interviewed claimed that they had not done anything different from what they would have done were they not being observed , but that they had probably prepared lessons more carefully and thought things through more .
28 They went to the pub with Air Marshal 's ranking chalked on their uniforms , windows were smashed to prove that broken glass need not draw blood , there were tremendous fights , he lived at the local hall , there was game , there were bounties we never saw in London — he sailed very very close to the law during that period . ’
29 Heavy industry not toys or low quality textiles , was targeted as the driving force for development , and a vast array of incentives and restraints were applied to ensure that the strategy was implemented .
30 The Russian Procurator General , Gen. G. V. Stepankov , arrived in Rome on June 17 with documents which were said to prove that the former Communist Party of the Soviet Union had , by drawing on the state budget , funded the former Italian Communist Party ( PCI-renamed the PDS ) as late as 1987 .
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