Example sentences of "n't look at [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As far as I can see , ’ he continued , giving his grandmother a look of clearly mingled liking and exasperation , ‘ my grandmother has n't looked at an employment application in five years .
2 Till this moment she had n't looked at the river .
3 ‘ I have n't looked at the high scoring yet but there are no surprises at what you are going to get out there . ’
4 He had been through it before and had already told the Captain he was sure that was the car , though he had n't looked at the driver and front passenger , having been distracted by the map and by watching the traffic coming from all three directions because he wanted to cross over .
5 I ha I have n't looked at the round there , yeah , I 'm , I 'm sure it 's not too bad really , you know , you know .
6 People have n't looked at the directors of certain charitable organisations ; well , it has to be looked at .
7 I have n't looked at the details of those figures , but are there predominantly be provided in the first ten years of the structure plan .
8 I do n't know I have n't looked at the invitation , he just told me when he came home from school he 'd got a party .
9 Well I have n't looked at the board for a week
10 But something about your comments worries me a great deal , and that 's the fact that many women tutors , you say , have been looking at this issue , but they have n't looked at the major part of the issue , which is from the students ' perspectives and the problem that goes on between students .
11 Miss Harker was n't looking at the board .
12 Confounded by this reply , Oscar looked across at the other man to see that he was n't looking at the stars at all , but was still busying himself with the body .
13 I was n't looking at the negative
14 So I suppose whatever area you went into , erm you might find it a bit frustrating to start with , because you were n't looking at the big picture .
15 ’ I was n't looking at the driver , ’ I said .
16 We were n't looking at the time .
17 ‘ More people now appreciate that you ca n't look at a relationship and say , ‘ It has n't got a hope ’ .
18 There was Pete in his class who really needed to shave twice a day , who had a deep voice and a very hairy chest , and he was a known bender ; and there was Stuart , who could n't look at a cloud or a diagram in TD lessons or even sometimes a house without seeing a version of the female anatomy , and lie was as smooth as a babe .
19 Do n't look at the fields immediately below , because the slopes can not be seen from directly above .
20 However , do n't look at the speed ; try to go by feel and tighten the turn until you feel or hear the airflow start to break away around the wing-root .
21 ‘ Because it does n't look at the object of music .
22 At the 14th , the par-5 , which is now the 15th , Jacklin looked at the scoreboard and Lee says to him ‘ Tony , do n't look at the scoreboard because I can beat all of them up there .
23 I do n't look at the face , only at the scabby hand .
24 If you ca n't look at the rushes , you come in every day wondering .
25 The fact that they ca n't look at the real problems makes them attack someone or something else .
26 I did n't look at the denomination but there was no doubt it would have been high .
27 He did n't look at the telephone again .
28 Do n't look at the answer .
29 Do n't look at the whole answer and then cover it up again and think right okay that 's a start and then try and do all I mean you 're not going to have the book to help you in the exam .
30 He did n't look at the boy but stared instead at a potted palm withering in its tub beside the grand piano on the rostrum .
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