Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] you at " in BNC.

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1 She ca n't , she ca n't cuddle you at the minute .
2 If he ca n't have you all to himself , he wo n't want you at all .
3 Of course — ’ he paused , ‘ — I could ask you to look after my small animals and give the farm work to your colleagues , but I gather that would n't suit you at all . ’
4 They ca n't gazump you at the last minute cos it makes
5 Then he looked more closely , and exclaimed : ‘ Ruth — I did n't recognise you at first ! ’
6 I do n't mind you at all , but the boys they 'd be suspicious of anyone who 's not a member of the police force , and that 's how people will see you : you 're not a member of the force ’ ( FN 23/10/87 , p. 20 ) .
7 It does n't like you at all .
8 Of course , ’ he added drily , ‘ that would n't interest you at all .
9 We shall be arriving at The Blackheath Gate and so if we do n't see you at the shoot , I would just like to thank you now for your help and advice on the recces .
10 ‘ So we wo n't see you at the meet on Tuesday ? ’
11 But I did n't recognize you at first .
12 I 'm sorry , people ca n't hear you at the back .
13 ‘ And I do n't hate you at all .
14 ‘ I did n't take you at all , ’ he returned swiftly .
15 I did n't mention you at all . ’
16 I did n't mention you at all .
17 There was something I did n't tell you at your father 's funeral because it seemed the wrong time , but two days after he died , I received a letter from him .
18 ‘ I know , and if you do n't stop interrupting I wo n't tell you at all . ’
19 No but you see I could n't tell you at the start because you 'd sound , you would n't have said half the things you did say .
20 The Brigadier said , ‘ You 're sure they did n't spot you at the hotel ? ’
21 I do n't blame you at all .
22 I 'm looking forward to Hamlet , but I wo n't bother you at the theatre ; I 'll see you at the flat .
23 He 's table he goes and there 's a dick head in glasses that would n't serve you at the tuck shop cos it was closing .
24 ‘ But I ca n't pay you at the moment .
25 I it is not envisaged I mean I must n't mislead you at all I want I want to be understood on this issue .
26 Mothers should be able to say ‘ I do n't love you at this time ’ instead of the belief that ‘ I am your mother , therefore , I love you ’ which we are all programmed to believe .
27 Though this tends to snag on elbows and shoulders , it is nevertheless a powerful and effective technique , and it does n't place you at as much potential disadvantage as the orthodox roundhouse kick .
28 I 'm afraid we ca n't help you at the moment — we 've been told simply that Mr. Andrew is away from the office .
29 It would n't worry you at all , would it ?
30 Some dealers would do well to heed the advice offered by Mark McCormack in his book What They Do n't Teach You at Harvard Business School — Awareness of when you are imposing can be an important asset . "
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