Example sentences of "n't [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I think most policeman ca n't relate to sociology at all , because , you see , the way we 're taught everything is black and white : those who do bad should be punished , those who do good should be rewarded .
2 No darling , I ca n't stay to tea cos I 've left my windows open and poor old Vino ai n't been fed .
3 The big man was n't given to introspection and he certainly was n't known for his sensitivity but even he was aware that the conversation had somehow been wrong , that it should n't have taken place , not with Martin .
4 They sent me to Cambridge for a couple of terms — that 's where I first realized I must run — I do n't want to blaspheme about one of your famous institutions so I sha n't tell you the name of my college though you 're longing to know — the girls in their bed-sitters , the cocoa-drinking , the tittle-tattle , the atmosphere of heartiness or domesticity in the combination-room — But , my dear , it must be getting late and here I am telling you things that you know as well as I do . ’
5 But I just did n't want to go , it was to my grandmother and old John they used to say , Oh no , you do n't want to school , you 're supposed to stay here at home .
6 I mean you do n't want to kind of put them off too much erm
7 ‘ I do n't want to press-gang you into doing something you 're not happy with , so if you have any reservations just say so .
8 And we do n't want to fork , I mean ,
9 They 're mostly Northerners , and they do n't want to muck about .
10 I do n't want to sort of wade in in response to that , I want other people to er
11 Right I mean I do n't want to sort of pry into how you do your business that the in the the getting of that information that 's that is relatively straightforward , is it ?
12 er because er her children but erm say that we we did n't want to sort of upset her by erm you know
13 I do n't want to f— up my music by being too political .
14 They do n't want to louse it up any more . ’
15 I do n't want to rock-climb .
16 specifically told you from yesterday but you just , I said I 'm sorry but you did n't , you did not say that you were n't to go to lunch
17 We er we ca n't got to bed until we 've done at least five .
18 This no-nonsense attitude is n't confined to recording , either .
19 The benefits of massage are endless and are n't confined to body alone .
20 If you do n't want a child — do n't trust to luck .
21 ( He still possesses the tattered paperbacks that inspired him as a trainee BP manager in the 1950s — Dale Carnegie 's How to Win Friends and Influence People and Lord Beaverbrook 's folksy handbook to success , Do n't Trust to Luck . )
22 Full skirts — goodness knows how many petticoats made walking very hard , so all this almost enforced leisure upon them , and this was again part of the duty of the woman to show that she did n't need to work , she did n't in fact even have to lift a finger because the man or her servants would do all this for her .
23 You do n't need to minute that .
24 Outdoors , cordon and bush varieties are dealt with similarly except that you wo n't need to damp-down , mist or tap the blooms , Additionally , sink a perforated ice cream container rim-level next to each plant .
25 The main problem , at least on the first night , was that too much of the dialogue was overplayed — Lochhead recognises that you do n't need to soup up the Scots speech to make it funny , or poignant or significant : it 's all already there in the words , but if they 're spoken too self-consciously they end up sounding like rather forced one-liners .
26 This is the Watermead estate begun in the mid eighties just outside Aylesbury — the CPRE says it does n't object to housing being built , but the way it 's done ’
27 He surmised that Socialism would remain unpopular as long as critics were able to say : ‘ I do n't object to Socialism , but I do object to Socialists . ’
28 Instead of comparing their offer with the normal rate , Clydesdale have used the business rate — paid by guests who stay mid-week and do n't expect to book and pay in advance .
29 Bet you did n't expect to minus , did you ?
30 Thank god I was n't listening to Radio 5 , else I 'd probably not have any fingernails left with worry that they would n't put even one past Swindon .
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