Example sentences of "n't [verb] a long " in BNC.

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1 And I 'm sure you do n't want a long speech but I 've tried to prepare something , and I hope it 's all right .
2 Tanner was drinking lager , and Maxim wanted one as well , after the warm sticky cross-town journey , but he did n't want a long , bulky drink in his stomach .
3 she did n't want a long one .
4 Do n't devise a long list of rules for the sake of having rules : make sure they serve a purpose — to enhance your child 's safety– wellbeing and steady ( not hurried ) progress towards maturity .
5 Well they 'd never , they had n't made a long player Amstrad did and now one or two of them are now are n't they ?
6 ‘ It does n't have a long range , ’ she said , ‘ but it will get the dance music in Sanderstown . ’
7 Now this is set up differently cos this is set up very sensibly , so that you can fill in who wrote it , when , what date and what it 's about , and when you try and find it later it 's easier to find instead of scrapping through lots of files that do n't have a long document .
8 Because you ca n't have a long float on the back .
9 Er not , not the long one , we did n't have a long one we had a rou oval one .
10 Right so I will say no I don I do n't have a long term one , and no I 'm not registered .
11 Then again , after Linda Lusardi and Tonya in just eight months , health and fitness advisors do n't have a long life expectancy on GMTV .
12 Did n't have a long walk or anything so the next schedule go out is erm is
13 The man did n't have a long time to go through a process , he did n't have a long time to find where he was on on the scale , a and er , you know , from one stage to the next stage , to the next stage , to got through a pre-evangelism and then another stage , and another stage , the man did n't have time he was dying !
14 The man did n't have a long time to go through a process , he did n't have a long time to find where he was on on the scale , a and er , you know , from one stage to the next stage , to the next stage , to got through a pre-evangelism and then another stage , and another stage , the man did n't have time he was dying !
15 ‘ If it were Ben , ‘ Louise told Zoe , ‘ I would n't wage a long slow war of attrition , or whatever it is your doing .
16 No , it 's your so-called devotion I 'm doubting and , if you 're honest , I think you 'll agree with me that it would n't weather a long separation . ’
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