Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yet , if an election took place next week , in the unlikely event of a Labour victory , Labour would try to introduce its system on 1 April 1992 .
2 But an election to take interest in lieu of profits will not exclude the right to an account for capital profits made between dissolution and sale — see Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd v Bluff [ 1982 ] Ch 172 .
3 Public order is an election rallying cry and fear of crime can influence practice as well as policy .
4 If the vendor company has not itself elected , but is bound by an election to waive exemption made by any " relevant associate " within the meaning of para 3(8) 6A VAT Act 1983 , it is treated as having made an election , so Newco will have to elect and notify Customs to ensure that TOGC treatment is obtained .
5 Newco will want confirmation that the vendor is registered for VAT and details of property interests in respect of which the vendor is bound by an election to waive exemption .
6 On two arms erased in Saltier , an Heart valued gutte de fang .
7 Miss Bhutto gave Mr Ishaq an excuse to dissolve parliament by offering the resignation of her party 's members of parliament .
8 misuse of formal joint consultation processes — ie. using contact between higher management and workers ' representatives as an excuse to ignore responsibility for immediate subordinates .
9 The military used the event as an excuse to take action against the PKI , and as many as 500,000 people named as communists and left-wing sympathizers were killed by the end of 1965 .
10 I think it 's , I said to Robert it 's just an excuse to have chicken every Sunday for lunch so that they can save some money , you know ,
11 Many teachers have felt considerable frustration when uncertainty , for example at national level , has been used by heads as an excuse to avoid school planning beyond the immediate future .
12 The occasion was ostensibly to mark the birthday of his wife , Barbara , and was an excuse to mix business with pleasure , since invitations were issued not only to personal friends of the chairman 's but also to various luminaries of the art world , and a few favoured clients .
13 Egocentrism manifests itself in communicative terms as an inability to take account of another 's point of view ; instead , the world is seen rigidly from the standpoint of the self .
14 Yet Erhard 's honest , calm , and fair-minded character reflected a lack of political acumen and an inability to wield authority which won him the nickname of ‘ the Rubber Lion ’ .
15 These findings , she claims , parallel her own amongst the Wolof : ‘ Thus the absence of self consciousness and the resulting presence of an ego-centrically unified perspective seem to be associated with an inability to shift perspective in concept formation problems ’ ( ibid . ) .
16 If I were to write of Milton Friedman : ‘ the absence of self-consciousness and the resulting presence of an egocentrically unified perspective seem to be associated with an inability to shift perspective in concept formation problems ’ , I do not suppose that many psychologists would accept such an application of the language of psychology .
17 There was a failure to invest , an inability to sustain science which led to renewed talk of a ‘ brain drain' of British scientists to American and other campuses , an inherent suspicion and division which prevented effective collaboration in industry .
18 One of the most distressing aspects of spinal injury is an inability to regulate bowel function .
19 The doctors have a word for that misery ; they call it anhedonia , which only means an inability to feel enjoyment , and that 's what it is , but it feels like hell , like true hell , and it 's a hell you ca n't even escape from in sleep because overdosing on cocaine gives you chronic insomnia . ’
20 Too often in the past , schools/industry work has suffered from an inability to present value for money indicators and this we suggest is one of the strengths of the TPS .
21 It would be diagnosed if the person complains of or shows such things as : poor appetite and weight loss ; disturbed sleep pattern ; loss of energy and an inability to experience pleasure ; feelings of guilt and self-reproach ; difficulty in concentrating ; suicidal thoughts ; and behaviour that is very greatly slowed down or , alternatively , agitated and restless .
22 To assess whether the failure of Myc or Max alone to transactivate was due to an inability to bind DNA , we tested their function when fused to a heterologous transactivation domain ( VP16 ; Fig. 2 b ) .
23 Frankly , this surprised me , for as I told Gerry , ‘ an inability to speak English never hampered Ian St John 's football career . ’
24 Thirdly , there have been a number of studies which have found abnormal levels of arousal and an inability to maintain attention among people with schizophrenia .
25 Secondly , those who have policies such as annuities ( an income providing policy ) or term assurance ( a pure life assurance as opposed to investment policy ) .
26 If it was an allergy to soap powder would it take a long time to come out ?
27 In February , it swept past Jupiter with British instruments on board , harnessing the planet 's gravitational field to hurl it into an orbit enabling study of the poles of the Sun in 1994–95 .
28 The chance of an exposure transmitting infection varies both between the different ways it can be transmitted and , for reasons yet undetermined , between different people engaging in the same activity .
29 Much of the experience given by these constructional toys is concerned with size , shape and linear dimensions , but the next example is an instance involving balance and weight .
30 Later this year the DTI will be issuing a consultative document on its proposals for implementing the Third Life Insurance Directive , which is due to come into operation by mid-1994 and which will enable an insurer to offer insurance anywhere in the Community on the basis of a single authorisation in the state where its head office is situated .
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