Example sentences of "an [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Red : An intensively conditioned formula for bouncy curls on hair that is hard to wave .
2 The exact form of Economic and Monetary Union was settled at Maastricht with an ‘ opt-in ’ provision for the UK ; whether ( and , if so , when ) the UK will in fact opt in is an intensively political subject outside the scope of this book , although it should be noted that the CBI favours such a union in principle .
3 Moreover , there is a danger than data that presented very little pattern originally can be smoothed into an artefactually interesting story ; exercise 9.4 has been designed to enable you to explore this point .
4 Luke was slowing the car as they arrived at the restaurant , one of the most famous in Taipei , Maria knew , and an immaculately uniformed parking attendant was approaching .
5 On a balcony in the background an immaculately uniformed band of the Household Guards played selections of light classical music to relax everyone .
6 There is an immaculately manicured lawn , a little pond surrounded by rushes , a high wall with young trees and creepers climbing up toward the wire netting at the top , beds of flowers , and , by some of the front doors , holes have been gouged out of the paving and clematis and creepers planted .
7 Among the gifts they gave her was a sun-lounger and garden table , flowers , pictures , an immaculately iced cake and taped of Irish music to remind her of her homeland .
8 Such an immaculately synchronised performance between two figures seeks totally to control and condition our attention .
9 They do this despite the fact that on the kitchen floor there is an immaculately clean dish of pure tap water , and probably milk as well , awaiting them .
10 If the trouble has started and does not look like stopping , the best solution is to provide an immaculately clean tray of fresh litter , place it in a quiet corner , and then shut the animal up in that particular room , releasing it only when it has used the tray in the approved manner .
11 Nixon 's advisers impressed upon him that such a controversial figure could not be confirmed by an overwhelmingly Democratic congress .
12 Nobody will deny that the Commission has an overwhelmingly Franco-German flavour , and this is already reflected in its economic priorities .
13 Christian assurance is no merely intellectual persuasion , but an overwhelmingly convincing experience of the indwelling Spirit welling up within us and flowing out to others .
14 When this is combined with the fact that the Republic was an overwhelmingly Catholic country whose constitution recognized the special superordinate position of the Catholic Church , it is easy to see how any state recognition of the Pope or the Catholic hierarchy could be seen as a ‘ constitutional ’ issue .
15 Obviously different social groups have a varying ability to articulate these concerns , but there is a widely shared general notion that there is something valuable — ‘ the British way of life ’ — which would be undermined by translation into an overwhelmingly Catholic country .
16 The medical professional is in an overwhelmingly powerful position .
17 All of these different circumstances , with the added natural factor of increased birth-rates in a non-serf-owning environment , resulted in Siberia being inhabited at the end of the eighteenth century by an overwhelmingly Russian peasant population .
18 There were rather more Presbyterians , a few Roman Catholics and Jews , and an overwhelmingly Anglican majority , at least 90 per cent of the party .
19 A strategical handicap of increased dependence on imported food and the incalculable cultural loss involved in commitment to an overwhelmingly industrial society were other results to be set against a higher standard of living for the majority .
20 This southern province of Serbia is an overwhelmingly ethnic-Albanian region , whose people crave independence .
21 The Primate of New Zealand ( where a woman has recently been consecrated as a diocesan bishop ) speaks of women priests bringing ‘ an overwhelmingly positive contribution ’ to the life of the church .
22 An SD report , summarizing reactions to the film from numerous cities , noted an overwhelmingly positive reception .
23 It was , thus , an overwhelmingly working-class locality , although there was no single dominant industry in the area .
24 It was an overwhelmingly Conservative seat , made up in large part of Mayfair and Belgravia .
25 She remained an overwhelmingly agrarian country .
26 The workers in section 61 were angry because they felt , firstly , that the quotas of production allocated to white workers were unfair compared with the quota allocated to them ; secondly , because conditions of work were different for Asian workers — their washing times , lunch breaks and toilet breaks were restricted ; and thirdly because , although most of the workers were Asians , the union branch had an overwhelmingly white shop steward 's committee ( there was only one Asian shop steward ) which was not only uninterested in their struggles but actively opposed to them .
27 Sewage was dumped down the shaft too and no , it was not an environmentaly friendly thing to do .
28 The importance of this taxonomy of goods as private , or having a collective element ( this embraces common , public and toll goods ) is to determine whether markets will provide an allocatively efficient quantity of each type of good .
29 She waited what seemed an interminably long time before the same young maid again confronted her .
30 It was an arguably effective method of achieving both killing and disposal of the body — probably ensuring that the perpetrator remained undetected — to load the victim into an escape pod which was destined to be destroyed as soon as it was tracked by any of the platforms in orbit .
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