Example sentences of "we see in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the birds we see in Britain do n't spend the whole year here .
2 Bewick 's swans are smaller than the mute swans we see in Britain all year round .
3 We shall find that there is a very good general rule that , while adjectives may qualify verbs or verb phrases as well as nouns , the property which an adjective designates is understood to apply to the entity of that noun phrase with which it is in construction most directly ( but not necessarily immediately , as we see in Chapters 3 to 9 ) .
4 The fact is that in the primeval struggle of the jungle , as in the refinements of civilized warfare , we see in progress a great evolutionary armament race — whose results , for defence , are manifested in such devices as speed , alertness , armour , spinescence , burrowing habits , nocturnal habits , poisonous secretions , nauseous taste , and ( camouflage and other kinds of protective coloration ) ; and for offence , in such counter-attributes as speed , surprise , ambush , allurement , visual acuity , claws , teeth , stings , poison fangs , and ( lures ) .
5 But if that fails , many of us are influenced by the testimonials we see in brochures .
6 We see in Azharuddin leadership qualities . ’
7 In fact , the diamonds we see in jewellers ' windows are typical of only a small percentage of natural diamonds .
8 They influence not only the way the audience receives cultural texts , but also what gets exhibited in museums , the paintings we see in books and magazines and on television , and what gets taught in the art schools .
9 A new creature [ in Christ ] is the most excellent frame in all the world , therefore it groweth up by degrees ; we see in nature , that a mighty oak riseth of an acorn . ’
10 Now that we have provisionally fixed what a signal is , and how one may be recognized , let us consider some examples of signals — the songs of birds , the pheromones of moths and ants , and the dance of honeybees — before we consider the theoretical question of why signals have evolved in the form that we see in nature .
11 Thus we see in sociology two strikingly different analyses of crimes of violence against women : one in which they are the infrequent consequence of a few mentally deranged men ( which is supported by the low incidence of such crimes in the criminal statistics ) ; and one in which they are an institutionalized set of practices which are part of an overarching system of gender inequality ( in which the low number of convictions for such crimes is merely evidence of the state 's collusion ) .
12 ‘ What we see in Satan is the horrible co-existence of a subtle and incessant intellectual activity with an incapacity to understand anything .
13 Here we see in action the modification principle which was mentioned earlier .
14 As was the case in the 1930s , we see in Saddam an aggressive dictator threatening his neighbours . "
15 In using the former , however , it is sometimes difficult to explain how things are actually working at the moment they occur rather than understanding what we see in retrospect after some factor such as clouding of memory or change of opinion may have occurred .
16 The grammar schools once provided the necessary culture of learning , as well as specific instruction , for students from under privileged homes , as we see in Judith Grossman 's Her Own Terms , or Anthony Burgess 's autobiographical recollection of reading English at Manchester University in the late thirties ( some twenty years before I started teaching there myself ) .
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