Example sentences of "we should [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So unless we are entirely convinced that there are no such organic wholes , we should remain open to the possibility that some of Moore 's organic unities are really organic wholes .
2 We should remain concerned , too , with the welfare of that substantial minority of older people for whom ( and for whose families ) ageing has brought little joy .
3 My personal view , and I must emphasise that I have n't discussed it with John , is that we should not be offering a general horticultural advice service to all and sundry , but that we should restrict this to areas where we have recognised expertise — Alpine & Rock Gardens , Arboriculture , Glasshouse cultivation and others .
4 Perhaps we should conduct annual examinations from an early age to be sure that we do as little of this sort of damage as possible ?
5 I 'm not suggesting we should drag all these things up , but they 're all important facets of what communion is about .
6 Such scholars suggest that we should analyse pornographic representations as representations , not causes of social behaviour .
7 I believe that it is nonsense that we should give such asylum seekers any form of accommodation .
8 We should give special thanks to Mrs. Alison Campbell 's House-to-House Collection team .
9 Yet we felt we should give this fellow a chance , so my wife put it in a box and set it on top of the Aga .
10 And perhaps we should exercise this idea , this thought when we pray for the salvation of people .
11 If we seek evidence of television 's influence , we should correlate general trends in public opinion with trends in the content of television news .
12 Maybe we should change that shop to Bastardo Comics !
13 During the read-through we 'd all be busy with our little pencils , marking out sections of dialogue , and saying at the end , ‘ Do n't you think we should change this to read like that ?
14 This is far from an argument that we should avoid such measures ( let alone empirical research itself ) but rather an argument for a continual critical assessment of them , and perhaps a call for better measures .
15 We should avoid easy moralising .
16 The hon. Member for Dagenham has said time and again that the Labour party objects in principle to the discount system , and perhaps we should emphasise that .
17 I think that we have been , for some considerable time , very interested in having open access to courses for parents and for people who are not of the considered normal age group , and I think that is one aspect of the closed society , and I think we should break free from it .
18 While we agree that emotions should become a legitimate study for anthropologists , we nevertheless feel that the degree of consensus is minimal in such matters and that , for the time being at least , we should abandon universalistic explanatory models , and instead locate such studies within the indigenous understanding .
19 We should acquire simple DTP software for PCs , for DIY use by scientific staff .
20 We should acquire portable dataloggers for data collection in the Edinburgh garden in 1993/94 .
21 In any case , Titfords have not exactly been famous for their military prowess over the centuries , so we should cherish young John 's gesture .
22 I think we should forget these
23 Finally , we should mention that time deixis is relevant to various other deictic elements in a language .
24 To suggest we should ignore such a sign is as irrational as saying that the blue-black line which appears on the gums due to chronic lead poisoning is of no significance because it does n't cause any pain or discomfort .
25 As Mr Yeltsin preaches that Russia needs tax cuts to save the economy and brings in private contractors to manage a Moscow hospital , perhaps we should conclude that selling socialism , like selling moonbeams , is unlikely to be a lasting business .
26 It promotes the idea both in this country and abroad that we should consume British food , but some people think that what Food From Britain does is enough and that the rest will follow .
27 You 've noticed that Healthmaster does not have erm , just smoker , non-smoker rates , because if we actually just simply mention dwelled on that perhaps we should 've little bit longer .
28 It was only natural that we should interpret all this as preparation for release , that we would go home looking fit and not too pale .
29 Er T L A customer , well yes yeah I think we should delete all ne dene delete the net list , remove er list and end date .
30 We should broadcast more of the Select Committees — for example , the hearings looking at coal and energy policy and examining the economy , … the possibility of hearing the Chancellor cross-questioned by the finance committee is the essence of public service broadcasting .
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