Example sentences of "we went [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When we went to visit relations my dad would say ‘ She is going to be a doctor and she is going to be a secretary . ’
2 We went to see Manisha one winter afternoon .
3 Sort of , when we went to see Jan 's mother for Christmas , I was saying to myself yeah , mm this time last year I was on holiday from work
4 And finally we went to see Karl Dönitz , the admiral who throughout the war had epitomized the U-boat service and been its inspired leader , who in 1943 had relieved Admiral Raeder as Germany 's naval commander-in-chief , and finally for a very brief period before arrest and ten years ' imprisonment in Spandau had succeeded Hitler as Chancellor .
5 Finally we give in and rent the movie we ignored a few months ago when we went to see Midnight Run .
6 We went to see Antigone in Greek but although we were well primed beforehand you ca n't follow it without a crib .
7 and I notice when we went , we went to see Chas and Dave er at the Derndan it was packed with them
8 ‘ I was sceptical when we went to see Nella .
9 We went to see Colin Wakeham to ask him on whose authority he 'd run the competiton .
10 We went to see Len last night , ’ he added after a pause .
11 She hesitated for a moment before saying , ‘ We went to see Eddie Brady on Thursday . ’
12 when we went to see Fear ,
13 When we went to phototype Matthews came out right at the right moment , to the week ! .
14 I mean we went to pick babe up five o'clock erm Saturday and I had to ring it were really freezing cold
15 We went to make coffee , the wretched little kitchen , and I thought , anyhow I could n't face up to living here with him just the domestic effort .
16 We went to play tennis .
17 Well , can I tell you the first one we went to we went to get food and there was none left !
18 No , it was the day we went to get Bunny I think was n't it ?
19 when , when , when we went to meet Terry and Paul from the cinema , eh and she went , she went oh but how did you loose it in there ? ,
20 we went to meet mummy at the Jolly Farmers
21 She certainly looked quite excited , like the day when we went to hear Professor Gilbert Murray , and he let his subject run away with him … .
22 PP : Well , it was certainly at the back of our minds when we went to hear Koussevitzky conduct Ben 's Sinfonia da Requiem in Boston in January 1942 .
23 We went to eat lunch in a restaurant frequented by poorly paid clerks and secretaries and , no doubt , messengers .
24 Dad went to see Mr. Farr to explain the situation and off we went to find Mum .
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