Example sentences of "we [vb past] a [num] " in BNC.

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1 Postage , stationery , fourteen O six raffle tickets , eleven pound , making a total of two thirty twenty six as against on the other side the income , three ninety six so we made a hundred and sixty six pound on on the open show which is a great increase on last year because last year we only made twelve pounds something twelve pound and a penny we made last year , so this is a great increase .
2 In nineteen ninety three , four we made a seventy one thousand reduction in economic development , and this year we 're proposing to make a fifty thousand , there 're actually cuts I think , that any committee of any council has made for the last three years .
3 In nineteen ninety two , three , er , we made er , we made a four percent reduction in economic development , a , a , about erm , about fifty thousand pounds .
4 We made two hundred and forty five pounds on Thriller of the Year one hundred and nineteen pounds on Tea for Two but that is after we 've made the three hundred pounds donation to Whiston Hospital we made a thousand and eighteen pounds on the panto Wuthering Heights we lost four hundred and nine pounds , but that was basically that we do costume plays and have to hire the erm fixtures and set pieces from Wrightsons or wherever we 're always going to be in this position and I think it 's the tradition of the Garrick that we continue to do them , and I think we have to accept that we may have losses in future on those particular erm things .
5 We do have You know we sold a thousand favours this way , it 's not bad .
6 Now I 'm just thinking , so we got a thousand pounds here , I would like to spend this money .
7 We got a thousand more do a Sainsburys and that 's it .
8 So we got a thousand letters to do that 's all , well it might be over I do n't know they 're but
9 So , but what I 'm saying is you 've got a twelve here and oh well that would n't make no difference cos she 'll have that back , that 'll be ready for them na yeah well then we got a twelve there as well !
10 Erm and that was after we put out a referendum around the plant and we got a seventy eight response saying , No smoking .
11 It was disturbing to hear the manager remind questioners of what happened when he made ‘ sensible ’ experiments in Saudi Arabia late last year : ‘ We got a 1-1 draw and a nasty headline . ’
12 are preferred supplier , for basically we got a hundred percent of the business in the States .
13 We got a hundred and thirty pins out in fifteen minutes on the twentieth did n't we Margaret ?
14 So we got but we got a hundred percent acting or something and the two masters are gon na take us out , the five of us out to dinner .
15 Okay , we got a sixty , an eighty , a hundred and ten three hundred and a fifty .
16 After two weeks we got a three page fax from Isobel Lee , Helen 's assistant .
17 We used a four grade scale , originally described by Watts et al and slightly modified to reflect the intensity of the inflammation present .
18 Being on soft peat land , digging was easy and at a depth of three feet we found a two inch cylindrical piece of metal .
19 It had once been the offices of a film company and inside we found a dozen Iraqi soldiers in battledress , claiming to be Palestinians , members of the Arab Liberation Front .
20 Afterwards we tried a ten foot jump from the top of the 'plane and then a little parachute control .
21 ‘ Yes , it 's our centenary and we are charging the prices we charged a hundred years ago . ’
22 After a 90 minute baseline period , we instilled a 100 µmol HCl pulse ( 1 ml volume ) through the duodenal line and the perfusion was stopped .
23 We seemed a million miles from the Weddell Sea and that ice-encrusted vessel , but I had a feeling now that this was all a part of the voyage to come .
24 We identified a hundred and forty one patients who fitted the criteria at the diagnosis .
25 But we have budgeted it for eighty five K at thirty six per cent and we achieved a hundred and three at thirty eight .
26 Now I have to tell you that last year we raised a hundred and thirteen million pounds and of that over ninety per cent , that 's a hundred and four million pounds were actually spent on projects for children and I 'm very proud of that ratio indeed and I think it ought to give you , the raisers of money , a great deal of comfort because for a fund with two headquarters buildings which operates all over the world this is a distribution of funds of which to be proud .
27 The forest was cool where we walked a hundred feet below the canopy .
28 Now this is in his key messages , and towards the back , there are two pages , where he complains that many promises were made for the facilities management contract , and in particular , erm , he says it is still the case that work to take advantage of the development faci facility has not yet been identified , now I think this is the thing we spent a million pounds on it , and are not using it .
29 We budgeted a thousand pounds , it looks as if we 're going to have to spend more on urgent work .
30 In order to confirm the inhibitory effect of Oct-1 on the HPV 16 motif , we constructed an Oct-1 expression vector by cloning a human Oct-1 cDNA clone ( 23 ) under the control of the strong cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter in the vector pJ7 ( 24 ) .
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