Example sentences of "we [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the time we lowered ourselves over the bergschrund and had descended the soggy snow of the glacier , the sun was dipping below the satellites of Mt Blanc .
2 We rode him in a rubber snaffle with a cavesson noseband and provided you did not pull at him , he was as light as a feather .
3 We rode him in a rubber snaffle with a cavesson noseband and provided you did not pull at him , he was as light as a feather . ’
4 I mean we did a lot of things that other people probably did n't do , I always remember next door to us at one time the curate of the St Mary 's church , er , who is er , he is now Bishop of mm , gosh , he 's a up in Nottingham way , Bishop of something or other , we met him at a , at a do not so very long ago and he 's just the same , he 's marvellous and he was the curate and they were as poor as church mice and er in relation to them we were really well off you know , and er they had hardly any fires or anything and we gave them an electric fire to heat their place up and er when we met him , it was last February at a , a do of one of the research engineers from where I was work working the last job I had and er , he said I 've still got the electric fire
5 Nellee was in Bristol with The Wild Bunch , we met him in ‘ 86 .
6 You will remember that we met him in the last commercial .
7 ‘ Well , we met him in Australia , and Sarah went away with him .
8 We met her under various guises throughout the islands : with the Bugis pirates in the Moluccas , where we cast offerings into her whirlpool ; and amongst the tribesfolk of Sumba who rely on her signal in the form of the one night each year when Sumba 's beaches briefly swarm with red sea-worm — to initiate their deadly war-sport between lance-throwing armies of mounted warriors .
9 She 's enjoying herself , we met her at John 's house I felt nervous this morning for sleeping home late although in fact I have been awake quite a lot in between , but
10 He then startled champions-elect Everton with an early goal when we met them at their Goodison Park headquarters a week later ( 1–2 ) .
11 We met them at Carberry Hill .
12 ‘ This other team we 've got to beat — we met them on Saturday .
13 We met them on Friday and we did not get the assurances , ’ the spokesman added .
14 Others we chatted with when we met them around the grounds , and some became temporary friends who asked us in for coffee or drinks , invitations which we pleasurably returned .
15 she 's , she 's only just had her money through , remember when we met them in Tenerife
16 We met lots of loyal Hairflair fans plus some new readers who we 're sure will be tuning in every month from now on !
17 ‘ Oh , we met lots of times after that , ’ Flora said .
18 Towards the end it got better though , and they got the time right , we timed it towards the end and the wording was right , so it got better towards the end .
19 And er in the apprentice we used to have to go round the shops on the town matching their er material in velvets and ribbons and satin for making their hats of , as well as the straw we made them from material as well .
20 We made it into the hall , which was actually less crowded , though still full .
21 I said when you came in we made it at school
22 We made it on time — just — thanks to our car phones .
23 We made it to the Pastukhov rocks without a break and steered left where the slope steepened considerably .
24 We made it to the car .
25 Somehow , we made it to Bangkok .
26 By the time we made it to the foyer , a panic had started .
27 We made it without much trouble , but it was a different story on our return , when the tide had receded causing the swell to break .
28 We made it in a factory ( Hollowcore ) using moulded GRG .
29 Once we made it in four hours , door to beach to door : bury Mum 's feet in the sand , forget they 're there , plunge spade into sand and come close to severing three toes .
30 We made it in a smother of white water close inshore towards Buckie .
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