Example sentences of "we [adv] have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And we rarely have roast beef . ’
2 It 's combining forces really ; with Cozy 's thing it would have been mostly instrumental , including Cozy 's ‘ Greatest Hits ’ , but with Tony involved we can legitimately do some Sabbath songs which he co-wrote , as we effectively have three quarters of the line-up .
3 But that , we only have that , that 's only by association for , for , for sighted people , yeah
4 I know you were proud to give Anne away , and I 'd love to be with you and all the family , but we only have two days ’ leave .
5 We only have two more days . ’
6 * We only have two calendars left .
7 We only have six intensive care beds and a wide area to cover .
8 It may be that when we express our opinions , we only have available to us ready-made sets of ideas , ‘ discourses ’ , other people 's words which we choose from , string together in different ways and think ( mistakenly ) to be our own ; these include ‘ expert ’ ideas and the colloquial , common-sense versions of them absorbed by ordinary people in one way or another .
9 We only have sixteen percent of B Sky B and we have one national newspaper , the Financial Times , which , although influential , is relatively small circulation .
10 In this factory there are 1100 of us and yet we only have one Asian shop steward .
11 Fine , we only have one problem .
12 We only have one problem , now . ’
13 A spokesman said : ‘ We only have one member of staff in at that time to open the doors , and on this occasion he overslept .
14 We only have one bathroom so it will be showers rather than baths when everyone is here or the tank wo n't cope !
15 No we only have one Italian boy working there .
16 I 'm trying to put an entry in this cell , in I eight one nine two , but we ca n't because we were require thirty three thousand bytes and we only have eleven thousand bytes left .
17 ‘ Because we only have 5 to 6 full-time care assistants , I spend a lot of time in the first interview to make sure we get the sort of person who really understands our attitude , and what we expect of them .
18 We only have forty seats so if you are interested I 'm .
19 We only have this screen operating when we 're all in here and want to observe him directly — ’
20 Although we only have 48 eyeshadows , any woman will find colours that are just right for her .
21 Where a key is a long number , consisting perhaps of ten digits , but we only have 8000 records and hence need only to allocate 10 000 storage positions , we could use the last four digits of the key as a storage address .
22 We only have half a dozen species in our coastal waters , but the Mediterranean supports about twenty varieties .
23 we 're not , it 's not tomorrow it 's Wednesday , we get period one and two off so we only have half day
24 Fortunately our CAA is doing its very best for all of us , but some of the smaller countries can outvote the UK , France and Germany and we together have more pilots than the rest .
25 We just have all sorts of jargon
26 We just have this easy-going assumption that we 'll always be together .
27 And I think this one is better for several reasons , I think you can quite clearly see now once you 've had a chance to look at this , the other one we saw , we , we eliminated this boat , we eliminate that post and this boat , or rather we just have this post and the sea beyond .
28 erm but these things could be done without going to committees , without any problem whatsoever if we just have this experiment to see how it works .
29 We we just have this weird notation that we write it like this and we say it like that cos squared Z what we mean
30 And they have a far greater proportion of the Greater York area than we do , erm as I outlined we just have three relatively modest villages , erm our , we do have a concern erm , on this , in that we do n't ac , given there 's a a district and an area have not be identified , we do n't feel that there has been a comparative assessment of the two options , we do n't dispute that they may well be harm er from peripheral development around other distric , around settlements in other districts , we acknowledged other other District Council 's concerns , and indeed , these are arguments we have used ourselves on the scale of development in Hambledon , er but we do n't feel that there has been a properly balanced assessment of the two options .
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