Example sentences of "we could go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 We could go over if you 'd care to . ’
2 We could go over to the Amsterdam and have a drink . ’
3 Then we could go on to a dance in our local Labour Hall ?
4 We could go on to ask why they are n't common , which is another way of asking why the process of meiosis is normally fair , as scrupulously impartial as tossing a good penny .
5 If we could state positively , and with hope of agreement , what the point of education is , then we could go on to debate how it should be provided , how much public money should be spent on provision , and how much variety should be permitted , within the general legal framework .
6 Jealousy is often brought about by a feeling of lack : lack of love ; lack of understanding from others ; lack of career advancement ; lack of money ; lack of opportunity - we could go on indefinitely .
7 We could go on and on .
8 ⅓=; 0.333333 and we could go on forever .
9 No doubt we could go on like this
10 From here we could go on to explore how the people in the castle manage without Melric .
11 We could go on to a nightclub afterwards . ’
12 We 've heard a little bit of , about the Three-Ninetieth Group and we could go on and on because it certainly is indeed er historic organization .
13 Did you know Jehovah 's organizations always changes , not with it , but to combat it that way it comes to work , it keeps us alive , it keeps us on our toes , and so we could go on and on in saying well look keep away , stay awake and do everything that we should and , and we can stand here for the rest of the talk saying well do it , do it , do it but that 's easy for me to do that is n't it ?
14 Now , I can either do that with you , very sort of general introduction trying to place Donne in comparison with other poets an and just really getting the basics of Donne or , since you 'll have had , just had a lecture we could go on and do some more sort of specific complex things .
15 Ian , I wish we could go on talking endlessly about this because I find the subject quite fascinating and we have n't really talked about the details of your research .
16 Wellingtons and shorts , and we used to pour all this molasses and then tread it in , and we 'd go on treading it in until the next load came in , see , we could go on like this all day .
17 I wonder if Aunty Ann will come round today er if not , suppose we could go round and see her if she 's about , getting withdrawal symptoms , wo n't she ?
18 We could go up there and be there a week .
19 We could go up , ’ Erika said .
20 We could go up on the railway sidings . ’
21 We could go up ter ‘ Ampstead .
22 We could go up to my especial photograph room .
23 In Walsall Wood erm as I say , we used to have er two big bags full on a Fri Friday and then in the week we could go up but you 've got your bread but , you know , yo the men would be , I can just picture them with their little , all this pretty coloured paper would all be in little piles and when there were no customers , they would be wrapping the rice , the raisins , the currants , all in these pretty papers you see and they knew , I mean you 'd ask them for currants and they never sort of knew , I did n't quite understand how they could pick by , it 'd be by the paper you see .
24 But we could go up even if we do n't win at Wolves , depending upon on other results . ’
25 Oh well we 're fairly heavily committed at the moment but erm well I suppose we could go up to a budget of about forty pounds a month .
26 I wish Marie was here — we could go in and have a meal together .
27 and of course and we would have been patting ourselves on the back saying we could go in under
28 We could go about having a quarter of an hour batting
29 ‘ If you like , or we could go back to my flat ? ’
30 Perhaps we could go back still further , to the event of her own birth , and even into an intra-uterine existence , for it is at this time that the ovaries and all the eggs are formed in the female .
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