Example sentences of "we [modal v] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 To illustrate how the inequalities which underlie such possession afflictions are always and necessarily relative ( rather than absolute ) , we may end this short list of examples by referring to the Santeria cult currently popular amongst Cuban refugees in mainland America .
2 Having said that , the vague possibility that we may end this season by finishing bottom and going out of the League remains incomprehensible to me and I am at a loss to explain it .
3 Although we may perceive these levels as separate , they are in fact interrelated — we can not in reality separate the parts that make up the whole .
4 We may conclude that , as with other Soviet institutions , the public side of the old Supreme Soviet was used to display unbroken unity in a way uncharacteristic of Western assemblies .
5 We may view such processes as having effects upon local communities , and search for causal explanations of social behaviour in these broad processes .
6 Right , and we may , we may expect that to be the case , you know , clothes do n't have , textiles do n't have many substitutes .
7 We may extend this metaphor further by suggesting that our everyday experience of stress is rather like a tap which is placed over the glass and into which it drips drops of stress .
8 I think , from the way Hans , her agent you know , Hans Kramer , was speaking last night , we may effect some kind of compromise .
9 Her clothing shows the shape of her body — her apron is seen " " upon hir lendes " " ( 3237 ) , where it is " " ful of many a goore " " : full , we may interpret this , of pleats , leading the attention further in to the apron , and towards what lies beyond/behind it .
10 Only His standards of purity and righteousness can exalt a nation , and we pray that we may make these paramount everywhere .
11 Ah , well ! we may conjecture many things .
12 We may contrast this with scene three where he allocates 28 turns to Hollar ( mainly through direct questions ) from 58 turns ( 48 per cent ) .
13 We may contrast these with the broadening , expansive effect of the long vowels and monosyllables in " enormous dome of the sky " ( 3 ) .
14 If you do so you must repay to us immediately the amount by which your withdrawal exceeded the amount available and if you fail to do this we may debit any other account or accounts you may have .
15 We are sometimes scared that , if we tell the other person what we think , we may hurt that person .
16 If we choose to use our resources in the most efficient place at the moment we may avoid those areas which are not so efficient but which will be more valuable in the future .
17 And if the motive mixed ideology and good intentions , then we may draw both conclusions : that the first perverted decision making and the second , as always , was not good enough .
18 We may suffer some setbacks , but for the 18th successive year we shall be increasing prize money .
19 Although we may suffer several colds each winter we are not being re-infected with the same virus .
20 We may presume that , if the events of 1989 had taken place in 1965 , not only would de Gaulle 's prophetic powers have been universally recognized , but as a result France 's influence in the world would have been dramatically enlarged .
21 We may conceive several alternatives but we can only act on one of them .
22 We may regret some inevitable omissions — but a fair conspectus of Ferrier 's repertory has been preserved for posterity with the one great regret — the absence of her Angel in Gerontius , which I heard her sing under Barbirolli so memorably at the 1952 Edinburgh Festival .
23 When we join the group as a new member we may sense these norms and question their relevance but , if group membership is vital to our role acquisition , we will accept the irrelevant norm merely to establish our intention to conform and thereby hasten our acceptance by the group .
24 This should mean that while we share a common understanding of disability we may express this in many different forms and in different arenas .
25 We may bring some theoretical light on this by considering discussions of ideological formations in a culture of authoritarianism populism , called ‘ Thatcherism ’ .
26 Since there is no typical thesaurus , we may examine some of the more common features of existing published thesauri .
27 Noting that if r = 0 we have nothing left to prove , we may assume that
28 In general we may assume that , in a particular social context , only one role is taken by an individual at one particular time .
29 Now it simply follows that , if A is requesting B to come , and A is behaving rationally and sincerely , we may assume all the facts in ( a ) - ( g ) .
30 Again , if we can understand the reasons for these choices , we may go some way towards explaining that strange feeling teachers have when reading a piece of written work in which every sentence is grammatically correct , and yet there is something not quite right .
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