Example sentences of "we [verb] off in " in BNC.

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1 Finally we got off in a street with enormous shops with beautiful window displays : I could have stood gazing at them for hours , but Mary pulled me away .
2 We moved off in the direction of the crossroads , the scene of yesterday 's action .
3 Everything was set up and we moved off in convoy to Barry .
4 We needed a compass bearing to ensure we headed off in the right direction , a reminder that even a ‘ valley ’ walk can land the unwary in difficulties .
5 En route we stopped off in St. Omer with its neat old fashioned square and impressive cathedral where we ate delicious crepes .
6 Yeah and then we stop off in , then we , while we 're on the coach we stop off in Germany for breakfast
7 Yeah and then we stop off in , then we , while we 're on the coach we stop off in Germany for breakfast
8 Some British armoured cars came and began shooting from a distance , and in the chaos I shouted out to four or five brother officers and we drove off in a truck .
9 We set off in file moving along a narrow gauge railway in pitch darkness I was trying desperately to keep in contact with the Frenchman in front of me and cursing him when he stopped suddenly , causing me to bang my face on his rucksack .
10 The night was dark as we set off in file through the trees after checking our weapons .
11 Just after nine we set off in a taxi and dropped Rozanov off outside his embassy in Kensington Gardens .
12 We set off in my Toyota down the now familiar road , past the police Training Centre , where motorcycling policemen were once taught to do multiple handstands on BSA motorcycles , past the Firewood project , a scheme to plant a fast-growing species of tree , now abandoned , down the long , straight , rutted road lined with workshops , past the ruined dairy farm , past more shacks which are alive with banana sellers , wood choppers , and maize roasters .
13 We set off in an open 15-cwt. truck with an Italian driver who had also been a soldier , two Schmeisser machine pistols and a lot of ammunition ; the mountains at that time were infested with bandits , some of whom were Allied and Axis deserters .
14 We set off in the sunshine and quickly reached Snake Pass
15 In the last chapter we started off in two relatively small pens , but then escaped and roamed all over the farm .
16 We started off in the old days , just tuning the top string down to D. It 's funny , but we used to do that before we 'd tune the bottom ones down .
17 And we were in some of them when we started off in that sort of office room .
18 ‘ Do n't fancy marching in this heat , ’ remarked the driver as he started up the engine and we sped off in the direction of the Orne bridges .
19 ‘ Then why are we stopping off in Lima ? ’
20 I sneaked a look behind as we went off in a cloud of dust .
21 Cos Michael started it , he said we 're never said anything when we set off in the car , and then he said that he 'd had this fax from me and er Andrew said , well it was n't actually from , er , from me to the , it was fetched up to me and I sent it in the office .
22 but we , we set off in a big building , well a building about four times the size of this these houses and it was all sheet steel wrapped in polythene packages
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