Example sentences of "we [verb] at first " in BNC.

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1 But when we came at first there were these erm there were these er street street musicians you know .
2 The rain had let up and we walked at first , then as the first drops turned into a steady drizzle , we took a cab .
3 As my son had been born on 5 March of that year , we talked at first about children , and he observed somewhat wistfully that the experience of having children must , despite all its responsibilities , be a unique sort of pleasure .
4 Although we thought at first that this was a saw intended for only a serious builder , we discovered that it also earned its keep doing fairly mundane cutting jobs that would normally be done by hand .
5 We thought at first that she had hidden herself deliberately , ’ said Nanette , ‘ and did n't bother too much .
6 He says having been there , the crash is n't over such a wide area as we thought at first .
7 We thought at first the Chinese had eaten all the other birds !
8 We worried at first that the children might be sceptical and uninterested ; but we soon found that nine year olds have already heard of atoms in garbled ways from comics and really want to know about them .
9 I 'm gon na start by going back to that graph we looked at first thing this morning which is trying to explain what had been happening to the pattern of tourism , both visitors to this country and visitors moving away from this country in the period nineteen seventy eight to nineteen eighty two .
10 oh we might have a oh we did at first , when we first had the record player years ago did n't we ?
11 Derek Hampson , assistant manager of the RSPCA home , said : ‘ The dog was much older than we had at first been informed and he was very sick .
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