Example sentences of "we [verb] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 As we rode the four miles to Wuthering Heights , he kept asking me questions about his new home , and the father he had never seen .
2 We agreed the sixty eight posts to start off the Poll Tax .
3 So , if we advertise the two linked operettas on consecutive nights we shall sell out for Maritza as well . ’
4 You you could take it a step further and with seeing that on the paper yesterday morning in service , we read the twenty third psalm .
5 As part of the what the stores back in the mid eighties were more expensive suites and so too conflicting we had a fifty or twenty five pound coffee table we sold the two greater mixture so its a methodology of just an ordinary table for exactly without conflict .
6 We asked the five top supermarkets what they were doing to make their trolleys safer .
7 We had at Aurillac , where we avoided the two main hotels , a delicious meal in a quite ordinary inn full of market people .
8 I m I must confess I 'm one of these simple folk who thought that once we got the nineteen ninety one census figures through then it would it would all start into place .
9 We got the two goals back , but you have to stop them at the other end as well .
10 However we evaluate the two styles morally — and we may certainly want to agree that supportiveness is a positive good — it is evident that instrumentally they have political consequences .
11 Are we using the one eight eight ?
12 Do we want the five on or not ?
13 We shared the one church , but the mission side of worship was western — the two ways continuing independent , like Roman and Celt in early British Christianity .
14 But if we if we carpet the two raised areas in a sort of attract hardwearing linoey type affect on there cos you can
15 Just on a technicality why do we need the two like this ?
16 In the previous chapter we listed the five principal areas of choice for any graph search mechanism .
17 But how will we describe the Eighties ?
18 Last Wednesday we invited the 4 British students studying at the University to visit us at the hotel for dinner .
19 With Sartre and Althusser we encounter the two poles of post-war French return-to-Marxism .
20 We then went on the Underground on the line to Victoria where we caught the 08.35 train to Hayward 's Heath .
21 The development loops correspond very closely to the table of action but here we emphasize the four stages , which partly overlap ; they depend on each other and may also involve a return to an earlier stage in the light of feedback .
22 To answer the question , whether this fragment is also able to enhance transcriptional activity when ligated to a heterologous promoter , we cloned the 117 bp AvaII fragment ( nucleotides -529 to -412 ) comprising footprint I and region III ( see Fig. 1 ) in sense or antisense orientation into plasmid pBLcat2 , which contains the HSV-tk promoter ( 16 ) .
23 We found the two principal ports , Stromness and Kirkwall fairly quiet still , although things in Scapa Flow were hotting up , with the site of the new oil terminal on the little island of Flotta a churned up mass of mud and peat mountains , raped by the monstrous earth moving machines and disfigured by half-completed structures of rusty steel plates and girders .
24 His hypothesis explains very nicely why we found the three groups , and he has confirmed it by showing that the preferred axes change with position in the visual field in the manner expected .
25 When we approached the 12 year-old 's little aluminium throne with its torn plastic seat and its bent wheels , he looked at us with that special insouciance of the Lebanese militiaman .
26 I think the other point I would want to make is that it 's quite significant that in the week that we celebrate the forty fifth anniversary of the , the N H S , for the first time ever erm waiting lists within this country will have , will exceed one million .
27 That was before we installed the eight thousand gallon water storage tank , which Health and Safety thought could drown a child .
28 We hope the 4 cylinder speedsters can keep up with the pace .
29 Foundations of parent-child support When we put the two halves of this equation together some important points emerge about the nature of parent-child support in adult life and about the ways in which that support is delivered .
30 Now clearly we can teach a child a rule if the child is willing to learn that if we put the two plus one in brackets then that means add them together first and then multiply .
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