Example sentences of "we [verb] at [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The answer is the one that we arrived at in the previous paragraph .
2 This poses a problem in that a school with high ability pupils would expect ‘ good ’ results but it may not be a ‘ good school ’ — a problem we look at under ‘ Issues ’ later in this chapter .
3 This is what we look at in terms of er target of erm the er wallets we 're going to print and that is determined , not quite sure what the measurement is for estate agent it 's something to er to do combination of the number of peop er number of mailings they 've done in the last er twelve months and also the number of houses they have on their their books .
4 Of course , knowing this will not tell us which syllables in a word or utterance should be weak — that is something we look at in later chapters — but it will give us a rough guide to the correct pronunciation of weak syllables .
5 ‘ What has happened is that we have been clawed back from the disastrous level of whitefish we started at to a position in line with the top end of scientific advice . ’
6 Cos we started at at half past seven .
7 A third curiosity of the discount market is the one we hinted at in section 5.1 when we referred to the Bank of England 's appearing on both sides of the market , as a seller of treasury bills on the government 's behalf and as a buyer .
8 ‘ Listos ? ’ they asked , and we looked at at one another , not able to explain our situation .
9 Lombroso , whose somewhat bizarre theories of crime and criminals we looked at in Chapter Two , claimed that ‘ a delinquent woman is more unnatural than a delinquent man ’ .
10 It shows how these different styles are likely to have a marked effect on the crime statistics collected by particular police forces , an issue we looked at in the previous chapter on criminal statistics .
11 In deciding how much profit he wants to make on each item , and how much to mark up his prices , the retailer needs to consider many of the factors we looked at in Section 7 — the socioeconomics of the area , the needs of the typical customer , the competition , and so on .
12 The sexism we looked at in Chapter 5 was expressed in both lay and expert systems for analysing language .
13 The Packard Bell range is n't a family of screamers — the one we looked at in our Bundles Bench Test in the February issue had a particularly slow video performance .
14 Interestingly , this process of eliminating the unique combination of circumstances in which language happens ( a process known technically as idealization ) results in the same kind of sentences as those invented examples for translation or grammatical analysis which we looked at in 1.2 .
15 Then you tell the story of the murder and the subsequent investigation , adroitly working in the fact that there was a red light shining at the vital time and place , using one of the ways of tricking your reader into " noticing and not noticing " this that we looked at in the previous chapter , and you also harp like mad on the impossibility of a person in a black dress or suit having been on hand at the moment the murder was committed .
16 The 25MHz PCs we looked at in October took around 7 seconds to complete the test , while the 33MHz machines reviewed here took around 5 seconds .
17 The other half ‘ with thee I am well pleased ’ comes from that picture of the Servant of Yahweh in Isaiah 42:1 which we looked at in the last chapter .
18 We can see the similarities here between the scientific approach to organisations and its similarity to bureaucracy that we looked at in the previous chapter .
19 Braverman ( 1974 ) argues that scientific management and the work of individuals such as F. W. Taylor , that we looked at in an earlier chapter , encouraged the development of the control of the worker by management and that the transformation of work advocated by scientific management led to the de-skilling and to the degradation of the worker .
20 I want to make a limited point at this juncture , I reserve the right to come back later on , and it 's become three points as a result of the discussion we 've already had , my view on the contribution of the of the greenbelt to the York issue is n't just the setting of the city , it 's the character of the city , and that would include the central city and the historic city , and the need to limit the physical expansion and size of the urban area because of the implications inside the historic city , and that would certainly apply to other cities with greenbelts that I 'm familiar with like York , like er Oxford , which the character suffers from expansion , possibly excessive , Norwich , that considered a greenbelt , and London , if you like that did n't get its greenbelt until we had the character rather drastically altered , so I think it is n't just the setting and how you see the city from the ring road , it 's actually what happens inside the core , the second point I want to make is really for clarification perhaps , er and it relates to the question of allocations between the built up area and the inner edge of the greenbelt , as I understand it all those allocations are already er included in the Ryedale local plan , and are already therefore included in the commitments that we looked at in Ryedale , I do n't think there is a further reserve of spare opportunities that might be used either before or after two thousand and six , that 's certainly my understanding and if anybody was was taking a different view I think that should be clear , and now I come to the one point that I was actually going to raise , erm I think it 's important that in this discussion of the relations between York city and Greater York , that we get a , early on , a clear view of what the requirements are in York , not just its capacity which we 've discussed so far , and a figure of three thousand three hundred seems to be a fairly common currency , but its requirements , and I want to address a particular question to the County Council , which is in my proof , so they 've had as it were four weeks notice of it .
21 Alright , now , whether there is a perverse supply response is , is an empirical question erm , and it 's generally observed that perverse supply response is about as common as a that we looked at in demand analysis .
22 Refer back to the version of the quantity equation we looked at in Chapter 13 ( page 536 ) .
23 This involves setting targets for the growth of the money supply : the approach adopted in the Thatcher government 's medium-term financial strategy of the early 1980s that we looked at in Chapter 17 .
24 Er clearly when we have got that situation , we do n't just simply put the numbers in and press the button and you get the answer out at the end , er the people who er did this for us at the time , er are professional er transportation consultants er and given that the key er one of the key outputs from this model was the effect of a er a bypass , then this is something that we looked at in in some detail as well as er the actual effects that the model was putting out .
25 Saracen is what we looked at in Horsfall
26 ‘ Oh , we laugh at with them all one together , ’ Sophie said .
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