Example sentences of "we [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One day it will be like this for us in heaven when we shall see that some of the things we clung to on earth were only childish attachments .
2 It seems that all the things that we met with in life and thought of as advantages in the beginning , are found to be grave disadvantages ; and all those things that in our youth we thought of as severe disadvantages , at last come to be seen as benefits .
3 The tales of Mountain Biker Attacks Rambler are certainly a far cry from the friendliness we met with in this area .
4 that we met in in the shop there
5 We are the largest independent provider of practical home care to people with HIV/AIDS in the U.K. From 7 regional offices we have provided practical care to over 1000 people in the lat 3 years and in the last 12 months we cared for at least 1 in 5 of those who died of AIDS in the U.K.
6 It is not going to be helpful to have the panel supplied with the information we asked for in relation to the Greater York area devised from the H B F table of commitments , confined to York City and the greenbelt .
7 I think today that if someone was designing a house one would incorporate all the modern additions which have suddenly become fashionable such as double porches , doubleglazing and er patio windows , I think that these things are perhaps a development from , in the same way as this house is a development from the rooms and the flats we lived in in London so that the modern conceptions of the things I 've mentioned could be incorporated as normal in the house certainly would be cheaper to incorporate them when building the house than adding them on .
8 On BBC news on 23 November last year the Prime Minister said ’ One of the difficulties we got into with the community charge was being bounced into decisions before they were fully thought through and before we knew precisely how they would affect people . ’
9 When we got to within quarter of an hour q sorry quarter of a mile of the the actual village itself , and remember it 's quarter of a mile I 'm talking about not ten yards fifteen yards away , we saw a railway embankment in front of us .
10 " You say you 're up against a brick wall — well , that 's just where we got to in the Southwark Bridge case .
11 No longer are we referred to as although we still we 're referred as
12 Under this government and under the regime that emerged after ‘ 79 , which was n't quite the one we planned for before ‘ 79 … the nexus between No. 10 and the Treasury is decisive , it overrules , it 's everything .
13 And we priced from from what the customers told us what they wanted , and then we would tell the customers how much that would cost , we got a feeling for the support for certain initiatives .
14 What we referred to as " theories of data " , though originally concerned with the mathematical structure of quantitative data in the social and the cognitive sciences , is a notion that can be usefully extended to encompass the relationship between theory and data more generally .
15 Erm , the erm , the erm , the erm , er , settlement of the anti tr civil anti trust law suit that was referred to in the statement was erm , costs of about six million dollars this year on a class action law suit which we have reached a tentative settlement on in the last few days and , in fact , there were some , there was about six to seven million dollars of additional provision made at the end of last year in the one time charges that we referred to at that time but could n't really identify with erm , lawyers breathing down your necks in the United States and er , this is a class action law suit , would have been in a Texas Court and erm , you know , the boiler plate language is that you want to get rid of the , you know , the expense and uncertainty of this type of litigation and if you think that what a Texas jury did to Texaco , it 's probably a prudent decision to close the matter off at this time .
16 The fact that certain regions in the UK have come to depend on declining industries explains in part the regional disparities of unemployment which we referred to in Chapter 3 .
17 And we now know that these ghastly effects are the results of what we referred to in the last lecture endotoxins .
18 Its more practical aspects have to do with what we referred to in Chapter 1 as the " inferential structure of data " : that is , how to effect a connection between the empirical materials , whatever their character , and our theoretical knowledge .
19 At the meeting on the fourth of November we referred to in paragraph four point eight , the use of permits was generally recognized as worthy of consideration .
20 And er I can er no electricity had n't been put in that house because the one we moved into at , that had got electricity in it then .
21 We moved in in the Autumn from .
22 You do n't we were u we had to use the immersion did n't we cos w we moved in in the June and Lofty and Brian said well do n't have it done cos you 're not gon na use until August so we they did it August time for us so but we did n't use Servowarm cos it had blown up , they just disconnected it for us , so we used the ho the immersion heater
23 That was the year we moved in in the August , well that was the following summer
24 Cos we moved in in about nineteen I think we moved in in nineteen eighty nineteen eighty , nineteen eighty one we moved in .
25 I want to buy a Christmas tree and decorate it like we used to at school but Marie says we ai n't got enough money .
26 I do n't mean lying lying , the real heavy-duty , professional stuff , like politics or selling timeshares , I mean those little , easy lies that we slip into over the years .
27 So what we say on on the basis of Mr Justice er victory Nat West and Midland bank and the er authority in er that this evidence is not in this report , does n't assist you and what is relevant is
28 And this is a way for to fill up our purse Although we do get it with many a curse And the poem ends : Then hay for the Clothing Trade , it goes on brave ; We scorn for to toyl and moyl , nor yet to starve .
29 Were going next year , we hope to with Maurice , do n't he , he wants to go do n't he ?
30 I enjoy shocking people by describing how goods were introduced into households under the guise of gifts for children : the fridge in the house of the children we played with over the road was given to the youngest as a birthday present — the last thing an eight-year old wants .
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