Example sentences of "she had been give " in BNC.

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1 The tie of the white gown she had been given to wear caught in her hair and pulled it .
2 Although in law a female fiancée can enter Britain quite freely ( without an entry certificate ) she had been held up , questioned again and again , and late in the evening she had been given a sexual examination by officials who she thought might be doctors .
3 He got half-way down the corridor and realized in irritation that he had no idea where she had been given an office .
4 She was always prepared to the utmost and if she felt she had been given good advice , then she took it immediately .
5 Eileen Riddrie had proudly shown it to her the previous week , as she had been given it that very day for her birthday .
6 She had been given a programme credit for making dresses several years before .
7 When Salomea tried to find another job , she was turned down because she had been given notice from her previous employment .
8 She sat in a corner of the playroom , dressed in the brown serge dress and white apron she had been given , and tried to think how she could run away .
9 Compelled , absolved , she had been given no choice .
10 Shaken but still thinking straight , Lynsey remembered the advice she had been given on defusing difficult situations .
11 She also toyed with a book she had been given as a Christmas present , In Tune With The Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine .
12 After all , she had been given a brain to think with while these patriots were being force-fed The Thoughts of Spiro Agnew , The World According to William F. Buckley and Killing Commies for God and Country .
13 Mrs Singh seemed bewildered by the amount of information she had been given .
14 She had been given directions to a smallholding where they sold early strawberries on a roadside stall but she must have missed her way , taken a wrong turning and come out here .
15 Then she kissed Auntie Lou on the cheek and said , ‘ Thank you , oh I do thank you , ’ and Auntie Lou smiled and blushed as if she had been given a present .
16 The work that prompted the writing began when the teacher brought into the class ( a combined J3/J4 class ) a piece of driftwood she had been given .
17 She said that the pain was a little better after the pethidine she had been given and she was able to rest quietly while she waited to be taken to theatre .
18 She had been given a plain black dress with a crisp white apron and a mob-cap .
19 She resisted all temptations to give in to homesickness : she had been given the choice between staying at home and starting a new life , and having chosen the latter she was determined to enjoy every waking minute to the full .
20 She murmured that Nicola Sharpe had told her editor that she had been given a really good story by someone in the Drugs Squad .
21 In imagination Mrs. Pridmore followed her daughter as she pedalled vigorously on her way ; bumping down the rough farm track between Mr. Bowlem 's flat fields to Tenpenny Road , past old Mrs. Button 's cottage where , as a child , she had been given rice-cake and home-made lemonade , by Tenpenny Dyke where she still picked cowslips in summer , then a right turn into Chevisham Road and the straight two miles skirting Captain Massey 's land and into Chevisham village .
22 She was so pleased to learn that Barbara Coleman was eager to talk to her again , and that she had been given the perfect reason for spending part of her day revelling in Chagall 's colour , that she smiled as she cut inland towards Maurin 's gallery .
23 She had been given a telephone number in France : Cassis 08.79.30 , Les Roches Blanches , a hotel .
24 She rang down to the reception , and asked tetchily whether she had been given the correct room number .
25 Mrs Grandison chose ham and salad , thinking sadly of the splendid sirloin , for she had decided that it would have been that if she had been given the choice .
26 She had been almost unnaturally brave for so long , and now it was as though she had been given licence to cry over everything .
27 They were beautiful , these Andalucían horses , and she had been given a long lecture on the subject by Ana , who seemed to be an expert .
28 The orders she had been given whirled about in her brain in disordered , meaningless circles .
29 Having been reassured on this point , he had grudgingly accepted Ellen 's explanation that she had been given leave to visit him to see how he was coping alone , and had promptly put his daughter and her companion to work .
30 She had been given a chance of survival .
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