Example sentences of "she had just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , ’ she denied numbly , a hectic flush along her cheekbones , because she had just discovered that she also needed a man she could fight with , cross swords with .
2 Sybil made a faint tutting noise and shuddered , as if she had just discovered an unpleasant insect on one of her flowers .
3 Some hours after the alleged attack , Sharon McLean ran out of the Peace Gardens in Holt Street , near Wrexham police station , and pretended that she had just discovered the body , the jury was told .
4 She had just begun to veil .
5 She had just begun to worry about the honeymoon , finding an image of Hywel in Benidorm particularly elusive , when she was summoned by the doctor .
6 She had just begun to tear it open when there was a loud , heavy knock at the front door .
7 She had just begun to settle into her neat flat , and although it was n't furnished expensively the few pieces she had were chosen with loving care .
8 She tried to keep her tone light , matter-of-fact , but her mother swung round from the sink where she had just begun to prepare vegetables for lunch , and her father lowered his paper and peered over his glasses at her .
9 How could she spend Roman 's money so lavishly when she had just parted from her lover ?
10 Even when she had just fallen from a catwalk , Dana had a vivacity Claudia could n't match .
11 She must not let that happen again , she must not , and with Dr Neil looking at her so sharply — and why was that ? — she was just able to turn her thoughts away from the unthinkable into whose pit she had just fallen .
12 She switched on a desk lamp , and quickly scanned what she had just written , murmuring to herself .
13 While he ate and listened , the telephone rang three times on minor parish business and Flora badgered him to read a pious poem she had just written which began :
14 That meant that as well as the cheque she had just written for her first month 's rent on her new accommodation , she would have to find three months ' mortgage from somewhere .
15 She had just poured the boiling water on the tea and was standing waiting for it to brew when she heard Alex 's footsteps on the stairs and , turning , she saw his tall figure blocking the kitchen door .
16 She had just pressed it a second time when she heard a faint voice above the High Street traffic .
17 It was ironical that the man she had just rebuked should be the only one who had shown interest in her as a woman during the fifteen months she had been on the station .
18 For example , Pamela was surprised that her parents were concerned when a boy she had just met at a discotheque brought her home in the early hours of the morning .
19 She had just met a small girl who possessed , or so it seemed to her , quite extraordinary qualities of brilliance .
20 She wanted to move the conversation along as she would do with any other person she had just met at a cocktail party , to talk of work and why they were there and if they could be of any use to each other .
21 Pondering what she had just heard , Wilson went home , wondering if Mr Browning felt the same distrust of Mrs Eckley as she did .
22 She had just heard in Helsinki her brother-in-law has been hauled out of the frozen harbour .
23 Julia went to sit in the kitchen , trying to stop applying what she had just heard to her own situation .
24 The servant who passed the story on to the firefighters had been standing nearby taking in all that was being said until a glance from Meredith Putt through the partly open door sent her scuttling upstairs to complete her work , filled with apprehension by what she had just heard .
25 With an effort , Melissa sifted mentally through all she had just heard .
26 Rachel stared at her sister in silence , shocked by what she had just heard , not so much by the fact that Paul Mason had been married but because he was as different from David Markham as it was possible for a man to be , and none of them had even suspected what had been happening .
27 She stood there until the rapturous applause died down and the peacock screen rose from the floor , hiding all behind it , then , her eyes clouded by emotional tears conjured up by the sheer beauty of what she had just witnessed , she turned blindly , colliding with a hard male body .
28 My mum came in at about 07.15 , holding out my black suit and a white shirt that she had just ironed .
29 Meeting his eyes , their expression now cool and shuttered , Luce wondered if she had just imagined that blazing look .
30 She felt as if she were back in a milieu which she understood , that she had an indefinable rapport with this tall , shaggy , rather solitary figure , dressed in jeans and an open-necked shirt and , as she had just observed , running-shoes .
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