Example sentences of "she had [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 She had recorded in her journal everything which had happened to her since she had arrived in London and she wanted no prying eyes to read what she had written .
2 Miss Lister administered it herself , and during her life there continued the practice she had begun in 1817 of keeping a daily journal .
3 In the weeks following the engagement she had grown in confidence and self-assurance , her sense of humour frequently bubbling to the surface .
4 But she talked about a boy she had loved in the war and who had been killed .
5 Nevertheless , she still weighed more than when she had floated in Witwaterstrand .
6 Much more so than the place she had visited in London , which had been dark and smelled of incense .
7 This she had painted in a warm red tone , which complemented the dark wood and brass handles of her grandfather 's furniture .
8 After her swim she had sprawled in the hot sun to dry off naturally then dressed and lazily explored the lovely Mediterranean gardens .
9 It had thrown up some very challenging cross-references in its time , and she was at the moment pursuing a connection between the nature of quattrocento pigmentation and lichenology as a method of dating the antiquity of landscape : a gratifyingly pointless and therefore pure pursuit , which enabled her mind to wander in the direction of Italy and to hover about the abstraction of a particular shade of green-blue which she had noted in many a painted Italian scene as well as in the lichens of ancient English woodland .
10 Following township rumours that the Mandelas had been living apart for some weeks , the Sowetan newspaper said Mrs Mandela continued to live in the mansion she had built in a better part of Soweto but Mr Mandela had moved into a well-guarded home in Johannesburg 's affluent northern suburbs .
11 She was buried under the pavilion she had built in the Roshanara Gardens .
12 For almost a month she had remained in the house , eating and sleeping and sitting , submitting to Lyddy 's hairbrush , practising her daily ration at the piano , performing her daily ration upon tapestry canvas , running endless little errands for Aunt Emily , trying to make her handwriting more ladylike , her movements more graceful .
13 If she had cashed in her units at that day 's prices , just two of 102 ‘ UK general ’ trusts recorded by Finstat ( a Financial Times subsidiary ) would have given her back 100% or more of the money she put in a year earlier .
14 She went for an hour and a half to give him a hot cooked dinner , which she had prepared in the morning , and to wash up afterwards .
15 And she replied with the answer she had prepared in her mind : ‘ He slipped in the yard and caught his head on a shovel . ’
16 On the way , she ran through the speech she had prepared in her mind .
17 ‘ Look , Luke , I do n't know where you think this evening is leading , ’ she had plunged in determinedly .
18 Understandably Diana found it hard to concentrate on the cookery course she had enrolled in a few days before her father suffered his stroke .
19 What girl could resist the lure of the first new clothes she had possessed in years ?
20 Diana was flattered , flustered and bewildered by the passion she had aroused in a man twelve years her senior .
21 She lay relaxed and dizzy on the bed , with the lingering sense of floating on top of the depths she had plumbed in her sleep .
22 She had seen that instantly the next afternoon ; in Rachel 's eyes she recognised the same melting joy as she had seen in Lisa 's .
23 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
24 It seemed to Marie like those ‘ executive-style ’ rooms she had seen in numerous television advertisements and soap operas : bright , spacious and open plan with acres of carpets , a jungle of lush potted plants , low leather chairs with squashy seats and coffee tables , casually strewn with expensive , up-market magazines .
25 She had seen in her young days the island women carry brass bottomless bowls on their heads to support the old churns in which they delivered milk .
26 ‘ ’ Devon , the garden of England ! ’ ' said Breeze , quoting from the brightly coloured placards she had seen in various stations en route .
27 She later confessed that she had seen in him not a budding genius , but only a ‘ little man ’ .
28 His wavy black hair curled behind his ears so thickly that she was reminded of an Ingres portrait of a nobleman she had seen in one of Miss Hatherby 's books .
29 Sometimes , Hawk was like the masters she had seen in Chinese martial arts movies , talking in parables , and drawing out his pupil 's skills through subterfuge .
30 It was the policewoman she had seen in the police station .
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