Example sentences of "she had [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She told him on the bus , nerving herself , that the children were Charlie 's but that she had undertaken of her own accord not to tell anyone else because Charlie was the sort of person who could n't be lumbered .
2 20–6 Mrs McIver , wife of the Moderator , asked to be relieved of the duty of leader of praise which she had undertaken for the past two years .
3 Was he referring to the damage she had inflicted on his car ?
4 ‘ Doreen Banks may have been murdered for what she had recorded on this , ’ he began .
5 She had recorded in her journal everything which had happened to her since she had arrived in London and she wanted no prying eyes to read what she had written .
6 It was only as the girl grew older and she realized that her mother was simply mouthing words and had no intention whatsoever of carrying out her threat that she had begun to be able to relax and enjoy what was left of her childhood .
7 Cowering beneath the bookcase , Mildred dared not move in case she had begun to be visible again .
8 Since she had begun by taking charge he had let her continue doing so , and had responded by being more feckless , lazier and more contrary than he was by nature .
9 Miss Lister administered it herself , and during her life there continued the practice she had begun in 1817 of keeping a daily journal .
10 In the middle , she went away to make tea , and brought it back with digestive biscuits she had broken into quarters .
11 Over the past few years , since she had broken off her engagement to Jean-Paul , he had seen her on various occasions — at balls in London , or at country-house weekends once at Christian Glendinning 's parents ' house , but they had spoken only briefly .
12 She had grown to womanhood through him .
13 Furthermore , she had grown to be grateful for the fact that their lives had drifted irretrievably apart , and she had prayed that things might stay that way for ever .
14 Clare had been born in 1919 , and by the time she was twelve she had grown into a tomboy , excited by all sports — not only hockey , but sometimes she even helped out if we were short of a player for an improvised soccer game in the park .
15 Gradually , however , she had grown into her role as wisewoman and witch , and come to accept the powers others attributed to her , and agree that she might be the special source and cause .
16 In the weeks following the engagement she had grown in confidence and self-assurance , her sense of humour frequently bubbling to the surface .
17 It all went to show how far away she had grown from the life she had been used to lead ; and the marriage , of course , explained Papa 's sudden permission for her own .
18 ‘ There are always survivors , ’ she said , and told me about cancer patients given six months to live by conventional doctors , whom she had sustained over several years .
19 Things that filled her with joy and drew her into the everyday lives of the two people she had loved for so many lonely years .
20 Her emotionally deprived life is enhanced briefly when she is read to in a churchyard on Sunday afternoons by the invalid cousin she had loved as a child .
21 He was the Maurice Charlotte had always known then , the Maurice she had loved as a brother and trusted as a friend .
22 But she talked about a boy she had loved in the war and who had been killed .
23 She had nagged at her mother for insisting on cooking everything herself , although she always did it , however formal the occasion or long the guest list , she had gone on and on until Mrs Roberts had snapped back in her turn , furiously .
24 I realise she had attended with other children and it 's no easy task to keep track on all of them .
25 Breathless , she slowed to a walk through the lemon groves near the complex , and by the time she reached Monte Samana she had slowed to a snail 's pace .
26 Nevertheless , she still weighed more than when she had floated in Witwaterstrand .
27 She did so willingly : it was the first true gesture of kinship she had received since her mother 's death .
28 That Saturday evening she joined the passeggiata , with her hair pulled flat against her skull to smooth its crinkles and bring out its sheen , and the gold medallion of the Madonna she had received for her first communion hanging bright against the new pale shawl she had crocheted herself .
29 For all those unable to attend the last A.G.M. had brought along the gold necklace and bracelet she had received on her retirement as Society Chairman .
30 And to Carole 's annoyance , Hyacinth Scragg had not turned up , despite the reminder she had received over a cup of tea at the conference centre .
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