Example sentences of "she do [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Had she done so she would not have said a word , would not have looked a word , would simply have sat on the bed and talked to Tina for ten minutes instead of the two of them sitting opposite each other in armchairs .
2 What was she doing when you arrived ? ’
3 She said and Bobby says she do n't he said I was laying on the floor the other night and she came down beside with me and put her arm round me as we were laying there he said I 'll never do anything he said cos if you started playing about with her she 'll , you know childlike and and he said she would n't erm show her affection any more .
4 And that Stephanie cos she do n't she do n't like him she never ha well she do n't know much about him do she ?
5 No she do n't she 's right repulsive
6 And she did narf she did narf shit on Linda !
7 Yeah I know she did Well I suppose we better really
8 she did n't we had to manhandle the caravan Orford otherwise , you know
9 The last few months she did n't me and fed me when he could , and cared for me .
10 But I mean she did n't hers was n't fast tan one .
11 You could n't say that to her cos she did n't it would be insulting but in fact , that 's the big difference .
12 And I felt and I said I did not kill her and I was the murderer and Shameer said check hit me but she did n't it felt like a hit and you do n't accidentally do that do you ?
13 ‘ She has a heart of gold , ’ Mrs Porter said decisively , then added , ‘ Which is a good thing , actually , because if she did n't I would n't stay !
14 She allowed her voice to trail off , basically because she knew that if she did n't she would end up bursting into tears . ’
15 cos she did n't she won .
16 What would he say if she told him that she fought him because she was afraid that if she did n't she would fall in love with him ?
17 To make a profit she must sell every copy — she paid the money up front so if she did n't she would incur a loss .
18 She did n't she did n't know any different .
19 Julia felt nothing for that child , she did n't like her , she did n't hate her , I mean she , she did n't she just felt nothing cos that 's precisely what she told me , that 's her words , not mine , you know and I find then , that , she should n't be a childminder
20 No she did n't she put them dear me you said tell me she put them back on again .
21 Oh no she did n't she did n't .
22 The moment she did so he was on her , grabbing her by the arm , so that the tray shook violently in her slippery hands , trying to drag her to the clock as he screamed , ‘ Look !
23 As she did so he moved over on to his back .
24 As she did so she realised she did not yet know the name of their unexpected guest .
25 Agnes was nodding her head now , and as she did so she was thinking , I only hope your father does n't find him there when he comes back from one of his trips .
26 She looked up quickly , and as she did so she felt a sharp tug at her neck .
27 She eased it free from the restraining material , and as she did so she felt his body tense and a shot rang out .
28 As she did so she seemed to notice me for the first time .
29 As she did so she was conscious of voices by his front gate .
30 She seated herself in the row in front of me , but before she did so she looked round , perhaps to see if after all there was anyone present whom she recognised .
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