Example sentences of "she have come to " in BNC.

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1 The eyes of his beloved wife , are tear-reddened ( sic ) and she has come to the awful realisation of a gap in her waning life which will never be filled .
2 Now she has come to us .
3 She is the sisters ' friend and mine , too , she has come to tea on my birthday .
4 But she has come to terms with Britain belonging to the European Community and is likely to back the introduction of proportional representation .
5 And if I dare say it , she has come to glory as the earthly manifestation of a holy trinity with Nicholas Ryan , father , producer , and his wife Roma , Holy Spirit and lyricist .
6 She 's as poor as a church mouse , that 's why she has to come to Arthur and Margot 's in the holidays . ’
7 You must speak to Ruth and impress upon her that she has to come to school .
8 Why else should she have come to Brighton on her own , and out of season ?
9 She had to come to London from Aberdeen with her husband Alexander , a doctor turned printer .
10 I knew she had to come to me each time , it was just a case of sticking it out .
11 She had to come to terms with his loyalties , whatever the pain it caused her .
12 She ‘ knew ’ that ‘ she had come to a place at the end of the world ’ , a backwater where there was no action at all .
13 There seemed hardly time for anyone to wander off , but wander she had , and she had come to swinging happily on a swing in the park playground .
14 As the diesel train came in and people were already picking up suitcases from the platform Moran turned and kissed her as if it were a last good night to all the nights she had come to him .
15 Or if she had come to his place and told Gina to bugger off , obeying his instructions , he might have rewarded her and let her move in with him permanently .
16 And Seal Sands Lock , the place where she had come to be healed so many times in the past , offered her no comfort now .
17 Last year she had come to his school for the first time , and every eye had turned to gape at her long red hair and golden earrings as she swept into the assembly-hall wearing one of her special dresses .
18 It was quite the nearest she had come to losing her temper .
19 She had come to be seen as an electoral liability .
20 ( She had come to us when our heads —
21 Over the past few weeks she had come to the conclusion that the person she would most like to share her home was quiet , devoted Jenny .
22 She had come to the Centre in the depths of despair , weeping , gnashing her teeth and venting her hatred upon the doctors who had told her , at the eleventh hour that she had cancer and nothing could be done .
23 She had come to the beginning of the shelters now , which meant that she was drawing near the pier .
24 Gradually she had come to terms with it , accepted it as a fact of life , though the grief had been longer in going and the sadness was still sometimes there , an echo in the night .
25 But it was not what she had come to him to do .
26 Even before she had come to , it rapidly circled her belly with a sharpness which made her cry out — and waken Ellen .
27 He knew all about unhappiness : she had come to the right place .
28 She had come to the conclusion that if giving up Brentwoods and moving to the country was what Brian wanted , then perhaps she ought to go along with it , stop being selfish .
29 But today she had come to a decision , she would tell Craig Grenfell to leave her house , his presence was beginning to disturb her , disrupt her life .
30 She pocketed the Beretta , her hands still trembling as she thought of how close she had come to firing on the turn .
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