Example sentences of "she [verb] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 It was not that she lacked sympathy for Sarah ; she had made that plain in her letter to John .
2 She hummed to herself when she was working and should you pass her when she was on her knees polishing the floor , or slapping dough on the board — she made bread for them all — she would come out with some remark that would either cause you to make a retort in similar vein or have you burst out laughing .
3 Then , turning , she made way for him to enter , and went immediately to the window seat where she had been sitting wrapped in her duvet when Peter had disturbed her .
4 She made supper for Jasper , who at once went up to his sleeping-bag on the top floor .
5 It is alleged she sold sex for up to £90 .
6 There appears to be a widely , though not universally , held opinion that the degradation of the surrogate mother is increased if she receives payment for undertaking the pregnancy .
7 She 's over eighty and ill and she asked Mother for me .
8 She returned to her room and felt so downcast that , choosing a time when she knew that her mother would be in , she phoned Reception for a call to England .
9 Both girls thought she was joking at first but when she recounted word for word the interview she had had with Moran they exploded into wild laughter .
10 In practice many senior nurses have failed to take account of the ward manager 's contribution , although she has responsibility for directing the efforts of the labour force towards meeting patient needs .
11 A buyer will be concerned to know details about whether gas is connected ; whether he or she has responsibility for all or any fences or ditches ; whether the property has mains drainage ; whether there is liability to maintain a road at the front of the property ; or whether application for planning permission has been refused in the past .
12 A person who listens shows that he or she has time for others .
13 She has praise for the ‘ wonderful cast ’ and particularly Brendan O'Hea who plays Evans .
14 POOR Beth endures male chauvinism at its ugliest when she starts work for Doug .
15 She was five and a half when she entered school for the first time .
16 She drew breath for the first time in three and a quarter hours .
17 ‘ Yes … so do I. ’ She murmured agreement for want of anything more constructive to say .
18 Zambia hoped she 'd think SHe 'd bolt for the underworld after escaping .
19 How could she feel desire for a man who infuriated her as much as this one did ?
20 After being admitted to hospital where she received treatment for breathing problems , she was said not to need any further treatment ( or was ‘ blocking a bed ’ which is not at all the same thing ) and discharged into a nursing home .
21 Watching Jamie out of the corner of her eye while she poured whisky for both of them , she reflected that it was all going very well .
22 As she poured coffee for Jenny and Paul , she felt unbearably sad .
23 Next , while the endocrine specialist packed his equipment away , she poured coffee for everyone , and carefully committed Faye 's preference of black with no sugar to memory .
24 She detested Topaz for exactly the same reason and her constant nagging had made Loverin 's mind up for him .
25 But she welcomed publicity for pre-payment plans which could help to ‘ put families minds at rest ’ .
26 She claimed compensation for peeling wallpaper and damage to furniture .
27 He was there for some time , and was with her when she regained consciousness for the last time . ’
28 Contribution to society : Er … ah … um … well , she raises money for charity , helps keep Hello ! magazine in business and deserves an award for services to the airline industry
29 Declaring that she believed she was speaking for everyone , she expressed gratitude for the splendour of the hospitality provided by La Belle France , thanked the president personally , and added a few more words of the sort which well-brought-up people employ on such occasions .
30 Did you know that she dealt in stolen goods , arranged thefts and then fenced the goods , did you know she arranged insurance for many of the smaller shopkeepers — her kind of insurance ?
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