Example sentences of "she [vb past] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing in her life so far had prepared Laura for the shock she experienced at the sheer animal magnetism projected by the stranger .
2 Without her I would n't be here , ’ she admitted at the time .
3 A woman has been raped in her own home by a man she met at a local market .
4 She quivered at the slide of his hand around the sensitive skin behind her ears , and tried to shake his hands off her hair without success .
5 Now her head dipped as she pried at the fissure of a half-split nail .
6 Was even she appalled at the prospect he was unfolding ?
7 A wedge approach to three feet produced an eagle three at the ninth , while her solitary lapse was the four she made at the short 16th .
8 The chasm between her and the other writers is most apparent in comments she made at the ‘ Nouveau roman : hier , aujourd'hui ’ conference at Cerisy in 1972 , in which she clung resolutely to her conviction of the existence of a pre-verbal , extra-textual reality in mental life .
9 She demonstrated her apparent unawareness of her position in the speech she made at the opening of the church hall in Kensington to which the grocer John Barker , from whom she bought provisions , had contributed .
10 I know , too , that my mother valued the people she met here , from the smiles of the young folk to the friends she made at the Senior Citizens ' Lunch Club and Meeting .
11 She lived at the top of Tennyson Tower — ‘ It was that or Maid Marian , ’ she remarked , as they swung its glass door , her voice distantly scornful .
12 In keeping with the rest of the terrain , the land formed hills and valleys , and as she gazed at a hillside Lucy thought that never before had she seen so many different shades of green .
13 The smears on the television had gone so she gazed at the reflection of the sunlight on the blank screen instead .
14 Emily seemed to sense this too as she gazed at the uppermost branches .
15 She gazed at the stubby brick lighthouse , which was over two hundred years old , and had been built to guide the fishing boats home safely to harbour .
16 Staring down through the window , she gazed at the icefield which was the frozen Baltic .
17 She gazed at the girl 's wild-rose cheeks and half-closed eyes .
18 She no longer knew if she was happy or unhappy , cheerful or depressed , as she gazed at the infant lying in his pram , asleep in his cot , kicking on a rug before the fire .
19 She gazed at the new arrangement , absent-mindedly reached for the tea Julia had placed near her elbow and drank .
20 She gazed at the small , gaudily dressed figure ; the clown , the madman , the genius .
21 Her deeply lined face was creased into a smile as she gazed at the tiny ear in her hand .
22 She gazed at the telephone .
23 For too long she gazed at the rain across the lake .
24 Her brows puckered in a frown , she gazed at the deserted coach , and she did n't realise that Roman had left her until he returned , a furious expression on his face .
25 Alexandra wondered if Mrs Burrows had said anything else , but she gazed at the tapestry on her lap and said only , ‘ She — she is most kind .
26 As she gazed at the floor , unable to look at him , there flashed across her mind that image of two figures walking together along the path from the beach .
27 As she listened to the playback she gazed at the naked corpse .
28 She gazed at the golden-haired figure standing so tall and so proud in the centre of the stage .
29 She gazed at the moonlit/sunlit clouds below her — desert , lakes , river-ribbons , an ocean .
30 She gazed at the pages as Carolyn read , as if she could see the events unfolding there .
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