Example sentences of "she [vb past] [vb pp] so " in BNC.

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1 She told me , as she 'd done so many times , that happiness could never be created out of the misery of other people , that Héloise was already jealous of her and unhappy because of her influence with the children . ’
2 It was a way of gaining Veronica 's confidence , Loretta thought , launching into a description of the work she 'd done so far .
3 She washed the floor thorough and was pleased that she 'd done so .
4 No wonder she 'd struggled so hard against it , doing all in her power to keep him at a distance .
5 It had been so long since she 'd seen so many people all at once .
6 That was why she 'd striven so hard to be a success all her life .
7 She 'd come so far , she 'd given so much … and all of it would be meaningless without a final context of success .
8 I wanted to ring her in the morning , she 'd sounded so unhappy when I left her .
9 Perhaps because she 'd sounded so cheerful .
10 So then , with no better grace and without even a passing thought for Josie 's safety , Lucy pinned back her own hair and began to carry out the makeup job that she 'd undergone so many times before .
11 She had n't been acting when she 'd responded so passionately out there on the dance floor .
12 She 'd got so thin , dry and brittle , her coffin light , like it was empty .
13 She regretted , now , that she 'd brought so little .
14 It had been a stupid omission , but then she 'd left so unexpectedly and in such a rush ; besides , she 'd expected Suzie to be at the address she 'd been given .
15 She must have passed out , but then she had drunk so little .
16 She had grown so tall and disrespectful that the old woman was afraid to hit her .
17 She had grown so still now she was barely breathing .
18 Not only had her real mother rejected her at birth and given her away , but worst of all , her adoptive father whom she had loved so much now turned out to be her real father , a cheat and a deceiver .
19 This was a different Fernando from the one she had loved so passionately before .
20 And who would be there for her at Casa Pinar where she had loved so desperately and lost so painfully ?
21 She ran , with his voice , that deep and beautiful voice she had loved so much , following her along the beach , as though it mocked her .
22 Feeling thoroughly bewildered , hardly able to believe she had caused so much trouble without even knowing why , she picked up Gwen Bear and hugged her warm , furry body to her for comfort .
23 Ruth 's hopes , which she had built so high , collapsed like a house of cards .
24 Whether or not Henry would have kept his promise if she had remained so is an open question , but it is clear that once he had also acquired Aquitaine he would never relax his grip on the territories which served as the vital bridge connecting his mother 's lands in the north and his wife 's lands in the south .
25 As for Louise , strolling beneath the shade of her white silk parasol , she had remained so cool and chaste that she had scarcely deigned to notice that young men were admiring her .
26 ( For he would never leave her ) If she found a place of her own , with other comrades of course — why , she had moved so often , it was nothing , she could do it easily .
27 She had prepared so many ways of telling him how accidental it had been , how only the thought that he was safe in France had made her bold enough .
28 She had seen so little of this grandchild .
29 She had seen so many of the students set out from her door , awkward and anxious , and after a few weeks it was as if they had been studying there all their lives .
30 She had lived so long within its walls that , when the great-grandfather of Miss Douglas found it necessary to abandon the castle from its ruinous state , she refused to do so and continued to find shelter there till her death , towards the beginning of the last century .
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