Example sentences of "she [vb past] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Because when Mamma was in Venice last year I think she met the same man .
2 Gloria never sunbathed as she thought it was ageing ; she applied the same effect out of a bottle .
3 She found the same curvilinear decoration in several other pieces , and delighted him by picking them out without hesitation from the precise and formal Roman artifacts round them .
4 She used the same lines over and over again , wearing a fixed smile on her face .
5 She had seen that instantly the next afternoon ; in Rachel 's eyes she recognised the same melting joy as she had seen in Lisa 's .
6 Although she was by now in her late thirties , she recognised the same symptoms as in her previous pregnancy .
7 With a stab of fear , she recognised the same lack of focus in Connor 's eyes , as if he were looking inwards instead of seeing the world about him .
8 He believed that and she believed the same of him , and now … ?
9 She telephoned police and as she waited for them to arrive she noticed the same youths approach a man with two young children and drench one of the children .
10 Misfortune struck Sir John when his second wife died ; she received the same treatment as his first spouse .
11 She seemed the same as ever as she closed in on him with that unfortunate overbearing manner , except that today there was an almost wild look about her as she burst out , ‘ I felt I had to come , Freddie .
12 Unknown to them , she had been one of Tiller 's favourite leading ladies around 1906 , but when the work offers stopped she faced the same bleak future confronting all dancers who feel too old to dance .
13 During the course of the next year , she expressed the same view each time I saw her .
14 Yet both Rosie and Victoria had warned her against letting herself fall for him , in case she followed the same fate as his other nurses .
15 Allowing herself a small triumphant smile , she started the same process on the right boot .
16 She named the same two hand-maids who had been with me on my first visit .
17 Her coat , also , was black and very long , and winter and summer she wore the same comfortable black straw hat .
18 In the meantime , she wore the same old rags week after week , lived in poverty and was ‘ faithful ’ to her ex-lover .
19 It would be impossible to accuse Lili of being ill-dressed , but if she wore the same clothes for decade after decade while my mother did not , then there was something wrong somewhere and my mother was suspecting that , implicit in the situation , lay criticism of her taste and judgement .
20 She wore the same red berries .
21 She laughed the same way as when I 'd first seen her .
22 I was worried that she 'd go off with someone else because she was so pretty and she thought the same about me because I was away from home so much .
23 Dexter guessed that she thought the same as him but was keen to learn as much as she could from Blufton about Nicola and her motives for giving these ‘ facts ’ to the chairman of TVL .
24 But she died the same merciless death at the remote nature reserve on the Indian Ocean , 220 miles north of Durban — repeatedly stabbed and hacked to pieces .
25 She looked the same as before .
26 She looked the same as usual ; untidy , a hole in her coat where she 'd caught it on a hook in the yard .
27 That morning they parted under the trees , he never took her all the way to the gates , that would only have made things worse , that morning she looked the way she always looked , rings under her eyes and her whole body braced for the ordeal that lay ahead , how hard it was to leave her always , maybe that was why they always drew the parting out , sometimes it took minutes , just the saying goodbye , they backed away from each other , then stopped and called something out , then backed away again , they called out special words that they 'd made up , words to fill the distance between them , words for the things they could n't say , they backed away till he was under the trees or she was through the gates , whichever happened first , she looked the same way she always looked that morning , except for one thing , she had a clock tucked under her arm , the clock they 'd found together , the clock that did n't tick , the lonely clock .
28 She looked the same as when she had been twenty-nine , before the birth of the child .
29 She saw the same high empty space between the ground and the broken glass roof , she recognized the air which smelled of soot and coal-smoke and was thick as grey soup , and the mottled pigeon-droppings and the grey suits of men , the black hats .
30 Mrs James then told the court how she and Mr Loxton had been transported by the police to Nottingham some time later , where she saw the same man in a street there .
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