Example sentences of "she [vb past] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 She tells us that when she met with one of her sons ‘ against his will ’ , they quarrelled , because she , ‘ some deal moved with sharpness of spirit ’ , insisted on telling him to flee the perils of this world ; the young man , doubtless angry at his mother 's squandering of his inheritance , ‘ sharply answering back ’ .
2 She commissioned in one particular slot two groups of women to make current affairs ' programmes but interestingly it was n't a very successful experiment .
3 She lived on one of the small crofts on Lewis in a small glen that was home to three other crofts .
4 For a time she lived in one of their flats but she says : ‘ They 've got very thin walls and floors so that tenants can pick up vibrations .
5 She 'd been letting on that she lived in one of those posh houses .
6 She lived in one of those streets running from the Old Brompton Road more or less parallel with the edge of Brompton Cemetery , a territory that seems more or less taken over by typists ' collectives , where groups of girls band together to share flats whose rents none of them could afford individually .
7 She agreed to one glass of the port , not because she was feeling at all drunk but because she knew that she ought to be .
8 ‘ I know , ’ she agreed with one of her tiny smiles .
9 A formidable businesswoman , Rebuck says she got as one of the original shareholders of Century , a ‘ substantial amount ’ .
10 ‘ How long have I been like this ? ’ she asked in one interval .
11 She knew she did not have the strength to throw her voice through the stillness so she knelt on one knee .
12 She moved to one side and so did Naylor .
13 Maybe it was something she found in one of her bins It was just six dots , anyway , and some lines joining them up Five of the dots had names , Sometimes she said they were stars , sometimes they were the names of cities .
14 She referred to one pupil 's piece of writing which described what he thought he had learned in the first session with the advisory teacher :
15 As she dragged Susan 's limp form away from the fire , she noticed with one part of her brain that a sheet of paper had just begun to burn .
16 ‘ Ah ! ’ she exclaimed as she came across one labelled ‘ ZOOM ’ .
17 She came to one of our mission hospitals when I was training in Australia . ’
18 Meredith 's brain ticked over rapidly and she came to one undeniable conclusion .
19 But when she came to one edge of the paving slabs … she tripped and fell ; and it was common ground that there was a difference in height between the concrete and the paving slab of an inch and a half …
20 The girl comes round here doing a survey , she came round one day and we were civil to her , and just answered questions , you know the way they stop you in the street .
21 She told of one man who was harangued for ninety minutes at a time until he had a nervous breakdown and quit .
22 She retreated to one of the dressing rooms across the corridor , switched off the lights , and set the door to give her an angle of view without much risk of being seen .
23 Sarah had never seen anything look so lovely , and she danced from one end of the table to the other to admire it .
24 His penis , thrusting from the displaced briefs , she licked in one fast movement , root to tip , tasting the tang of its confinement , the elasticity of the drop of fluid she had generated .
25 She nodded to one of the row of tidy brick houses .
26 ‘ Nice bit of fish , ’ she remarked of one of Jane 's painstaking recipes , ‘ very tasty , ’ and gobbled it up , holding her knife like a pencil .
27 By rights Sue should be more adept at shop work because , after school and while waiting to go to RADA , she served in one of the hardware stores owned by her then businessman father , who became a Midlands MP and now sits in the House of Lords .
28 She walked from one end of the hall to the other ; no Edward .
29 Standing up , she walked from one side of the window to the other , her movements stiff and her legs trembly from the accumulated tension in her muscles .
30 She glanced from one end of the kitchen to the other , noting the sparkling sink without a cup or plate in sight , and the gleaming table top , then the freshly scrubbed floor that was still damp in the corners ; the coconut matting beneath her feet bristled from its merciless thrashing .
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