Example sentences of "she [vb past] [art] small " in BNC.

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1 She scanned the small platform for those two familiar figures , but they were not there .
2 then , her lips pressed tight , she made a small laughing sound before saying , ‘ Not your type ? ’
3 She made a small motion of her head , then looked down .
4 She said nothing , but gazed at him with wide , terrified eyes , then almost involuntarily she made a small gesture with her hands to ward him off and he , taking it as a token of reciprocal feeling , stepped forward and took her in his arms .
5 Startled by his sudden , critical observation , she made a small gesture of dismissal .
6 Into each piece she inserted a small two-pronged cylinder the size and shape of a small capacitor , and twisted each of them .
7 She built a small fire in the grate , just for the comfort , then went into the kitchen .
8 When she arrived back , a little late and with only about forty minutes before she should go down to dinner , she found a small packet on her dressing-table .
9 One day in 1868 she found a small tree pushing its way through a pile of discarded fruit .
10 When he had made his mark , she drew a small packet of fragrant sweets called cachous from her cuff and gave him one .
11 She affected a small frown of concentration .
12 As she gathered them together , she noticed a small pamphlet stuffed inside the first carrier bag , and puzzled she pulled it out .
13 She doodled a small , ugly dwarf , then a couple of unicorns .
14 The small of her back began to feel warm as she imagined a small bead of laser light centred there , cueing a flamer , or a needler , or a screamer , or anything nasty and permanent .
15 Mrs Puri celebrated the coming of spring in an uncharacteristically spendthrift manner : she threw a small thanksgiving party .
16 And she refused to go another step until his arm was properly cared for , Isabel vowed , as she dug a small hole in the top of the misshapen lump with her thumbnail .
17 She sighed a small sigh , feeling a little better .
18 She opened a small peacock-blue fan she had been holding and began to fan herself .
19 She opened a small round leather box to find that it contained tiny gold collar studs and several pairs of cuff links .
20 At eighteen she opened a small school in Kentish Town with her mother , who was committed to Pestalozzi 's reforming ideas .
21 In 1877 she opened a small chapel in her house in Cottenham Park .
22 She opened a small drawer in the pretty rosewood table beside her chair , dropped the trinket into it , then closed it with a kind of finality .
23 She opened the small freezer at the top , and four different types of ice cream , some frozen cream cakes and some ready-to-bake cookie mixes promised further consolation .
24 She thrust a small linen-bound bundle into his hand .
25 He did not answer but just before she heard his bedroom door close she would swear that she heard a small chortle of laughter — as if her dry afterthought of a good morning had amused him .
26 Swiftly , she unfastened the small pearl buttons of her bodice , and pulled the dress over her head .
27 To provide jobs she started a small jam factory and she sponsored left-wing republican political initiatives .
28 Gazing from the window of the taxi , she watched the small groups of tourists , many of them from the ship , strolling in and out of shops eagerly purchasing souvenirs .
29 With a conscious effort , she swallowed the small spurt of irritation against his easy presumption that she 'd simply fall into line with whatever he chose to do .
30 After seeing Mr Stephens disappear around the corner , she examined the small room minutely , the books on the shelf — reading out all their titles aloud — the three prints on the wall , " The Education of the Young Raleigh " , " Derwentwater at Dawn " and " The Drunkard 's Children " — drew her boots appreciatively over the mat , picked up the jug of pencils and finally came to the oven which was next to the sink .
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