Example sentences of "which [am/are] not to " in BNC.

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1 Our brief list contains four which are not to be found in the BL catalogue as we have seen .
2 Publishers rarely , if ever , charge for personal things like Christmas cards which are not to be offered for sale
3 Words for strong stemming might be filtered through a table of exceptions which are not to be stemmed ( " organism " , " organist " etc ) Strong stemming is an economical but crude way of automatically bringing in some of the halo of see also terms which surround many search words .
4 Any terms in light type which are not to be used as headings in the catalogue direct the cataloguer to a ‘ used ’ heading covering the same or a similar concept .
5 non-descriptors or terms which are not to be used in the index but which appear in the thesaurus in order to expand the entry vocabulary ( terms through which the user can enter the thesaurus and be directed to the appropriate term ) of the indexing language .
6 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
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