Example sentences of "which [was/were] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 During the later stages of the field surveys which were made for this Flora , the National Vegetation Classification project ( NVC ) was being carried out .
2 If there are orthographic paragraph divisions in the original version of this text which were made for the sake of appearance on the page , then we have little hope of identifying such divisions in any formal way .
3 Programmes which were made for a general public of native speakers of the language will obviously not be graded for use with language students .
4 This was one reason why the predictions of ruin which were made for the peasantry failed at this stage even to look like coming true in some of the most industrialised and developed countries .
5 FLYING SCOTSMAN SERVICES have cancelled their two Welshman services which were planned for this month .
6 The meeting was reported to have seen differences between Syria , Iraq , Sudan and Libya on the one hand , which were pushing for a more intransigent Arab League position , and the Gulf states on the other , which spoke out for " international legitimacy " ( according to Radio Monte Carlo on April 30 ) .
7 In City Fur Manufacturing Co. v. Fureenbond ( 1937 K.B. ) A owned some skins which were stored for him at an independent warehouse .
8 John Paul II described how he personally scrutinised successive drafts — 10 in all — which were presented for his consideration .
9 In Canada it came to be known as ‘ The 10 Lost Years ’ , which were devastating for those on the prairies and very difficult for those in the cities .
10 This is a summary of the arrangements which were adopted for the Phase 1 Pilots , a statement of the impressions which have been collected of their operation and an outline of the interim conclusions which have been reached .
11 In 1867 he introduced hotel coupons which were exchanged for meals and accommodation at hotels with whom Cook had arrangements .
12 The research makes use of data which were collected for the SE Gas Region in order to identify indicators of change in gas consumption .
13 Aircraft which were collected with such discrimination and taste , which were restored using the most scrupulous of standards and which were displayed for us and our children to enjoy at the Tamiami Airport near Miami , Florida .
14 Such divine imagery was confined to extravagant and luxury items such as ornate scabbards and cameos , which were intended for members of the imperial court , and does not appear on objects of mass circulation such as coins , on which representations of Augustus were always human after 27 BC .
15 Standing in the Townley Room and looking through to the sculptures displayed next door ( Room 83 ) , most of which were intended for public display , one is well aware of the reduced scale and decorative qualities sought by the private collector who wined and dined amidst his collection .
16 Boris Anrep , for instance , whom the Berkeleys used to encounter when they stayed with Maud Russell at Mottisfont , gave them the model he painted for the mosaics which were intended for the apse of Westminster Cathedral ( it stands on the chest of drawers in their bedroom ) and Hugh Honour and John Fleming gave them the marble hermaphrodite which reclines on the top of a bookcase in the study .
17 Four Minilab Sovereign detectors which were intended for export to Belgium were stolen from the premises of Search Technology on 30 August 1991 .
18 In order to drive home the point that the messianic Spirit , the Spirit of the days of salvation , was really available to all believers , the Spirit had first of all to inspire Peter with his vision of the unclean animals in the sheet which were intended for him to eat , and then to apply that vision to a Gentile officer whose men were at that very moment waiting in the courtyard for Peter to accompany them to Cornelius so that he might receive the good news of Jesus .
19 This accounted for Washington 's disparaging view of various ‘ zones of peace ’ advocated by Soviet leaders in the 1950s and 1960s , which were intended for regions where the Western states remained militarily preponderant .
20 In the first place , as must already be evident , it shows some striking parallels with the Formalists ' views on literature and literary studies — views which were developed for the greater part quite independently of it , for although later Formalist theory may have been influenced to some degree by Saussure , the beginnings of the movement predate the publication of his Cours .
21 This reports the result of the vote and includes details of : the number and value of the shareholders of the class ; those present in person or by proxy ; the number and value of the holders of the class who voted for and against the scheme ( and whether in person or by proxy ) ; any members who abstained from voting ; and particulars of any proxies which were rejected for any reason by the chairman .
22 The news categories used by the 1947 Press Commission , which were followed for the 1975 analysis , were too general to show up many differences of detail , but are recorded in Table 6.6 .
23 It is that someone among them has taken for himself some of the treasures of the city which were destined for God 's own sanctuary .
24 A brother officer , Jock Lewes of the Welsh Guards , had discovered some parachutes which were destined for transport to India , and obtained permission from Laycock for himself and Stirling to experiment with them , together with four other Guardsmen .
25 In turn , Amritsar became the depot for piece goods , copper , and brass which were destined for the Central Asian markets .
26 The number of foresters was to be limited under the supervision of the regarders : no warden or local Forest officer was to hold pleas of the forest , which were reserved for the Forest Eyre .
27 On March 3 King Hassan announced that at some time prior to the legislative elections which were scheduled for Oct. 9 , 1992 , constitutional changes to establish a better balance between legislative and executive bodies would be put to a referendum .
28 In part the support of the two centrist parties for the bill was a function of their wish to avoid provoking the government into calling an early election in the lower chamber to coincide with the partial elections for the upper house which were scheduled for July 26 .
29 It was difficult to see how the RPF would be able to advance the Bayeux agenda until the next legislative elections , which were scheduled for 1951 .
30 When the mills of the North of England are referred to , we think immediately of the nineteenth-century factories which were built for the purpose of manufacturing yarn and textiles , rather than buildings containing corn-grinding machinery .
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