Example sentences of "which [vb -s] him [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is firmly established in the half back line , which allows him the luxury of being able to press forward in support of his attacking colleagues .
2 ‘ For Mr Hubbard its a hobby which costs him a lot of money .
3 Jonathan Speelman will be grateful for yesterday 's rest day , which gives him a chance to recover his equanimity after a depressing loss in the second game .
4 He is chairman of the IAEA 's Nuclear Safety Advisory Group , which gives him a pivotal role in co-ordinating the safety policies of all countries that have nuclear installations .
5 DEAN REYNOLDS , whitewashed by Steve Davis in the Rothmans Grand Prix final , made a break of 112 to clinch his 9-7 win over Tony Meo last night which gives him a return meeting with Davis in today 's quarter-final of the Everest World Matchplay Championship at the Brentwood Centre .
6 He has a special property in the goods , which gives him a lien over the goods until the whole of the price is paid or tendered .
7 And it is just that : a point of view , a vision , put forward through a fine prose style , that gives the work of Frazer a position above that of other scholars of equal erudition and perhaps greater ingenuity , and which gives him an inevitable and growing influence over the contemporary mind .
8 And that 's where engineering you know , knowledge , comes er to bear because an engineer looks for that , he looks for the easy , simplest you know er method of production er which gives him an effective er machining operation throughout the whole job .
9 He has natural flair which gives him the ability to do anything with the ball he wants to .
10 An archaeologist who has transformed the way people think about his area of study ; a communicator who can make an enthralling TV programme ; a lover of contemporary art who has persuaded the Fellows of his Cambridge college at least to tolerate biannual sculpture shows ( one of which involved digging up the hallowed lawns ) ; and now , since his peerage which gives him the forum of Britain 's Upper House , a politician , with strong views on how to preserve the world 's history as encapsulated in its archaeology : Colin Renfrew at fifty-five has an enviable career and range of interests .
11 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
12 A provision in an executive director 's service agreement which gives him the right to leave the company with a generous financial package , either in the event that he is dismissed prematurely or because a defined event occurs ( eg a takeover ) which entitles him to be paid a pre-agreed sum .
13 One particularly interesting example is Kleinig 's conception of consent as ‘ an act in which one person tends to facilitate the initiative of another ’ in a manner which makes him a participant in that initiative who shares responsibility for it .
14 In the case of the discretionary sentence there is always a notional equivalent determinate sentence which could be imposed in accord with established sentencing practice but for the current mental state of the defendant which makes him a danger to the public .
15 He possesses the Spirit of God 's Son , which makes him a son of God , and enables him to utter the family cry to God as ‘ Abba ’ .
16 A student of mine in a Spenser class which read A Present View suggested it seemed peculiar to be reading a piece by an author commonly hailed as one of the great writers of the English Renaissance putting forward views which makes him a type of war criminal within a twentieth-century perspective .
17 McLaren is , in Roxburgh 's estimation , ‘ an old man in his head ’ , which makes him the temperamental opposite of Ferguson .
18 He weighed in at sixteen stone , eleven pounds , which makes him the heaviest man ever to row in the boat race .
19 In the United States and Europe they 've been much more appreciative , which saddens him a little .
20 Resource-based learning can last as little as ten minutes : a child 's scrutiny of a repeating film-loop which teaches him a concept or skill he will need for the next part of his programme ; a short programmed exercise that enables him to test his grasp of an idea or piece of knowledge before embarking on a larger exercise ; a work-card unit giving practise in loading a projector or using a subject catalogue .
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