Example sentences of "which [is] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the Royal Society of Arts offers somewhat similar Teacher 's Certificate courses in Office Arts and in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language for about l , 100 and 2,000 candidates and the College of Preceptors operates a relatively small programme leading to its Associateship and eventually to its Licentiateship , a qualification which is recognized as degree equivalent .
2 has an inertia reel mechanism which is locked as a result of the vehicle being , or having been , on a steep incline ;
3 Conductor Odaline de la Martinez , who was responsible for founding the European Women 's Orchestra , has launched a new label , Lontano Records , which is intended as a vehicle for the 20th century music ensemble , Lontano .
4 Each God , or governor of the forces of nature , has his own Sakti , or consort , which is understood as the ‘ expression of the God ’ .
5 It uses a vertical column of nine dots moving laterally across the page to produce printed characters , each of which is generated as a dot pattern within a matrix measuring six columns by nine rows .
6 then , in the 1970s , the pendulum of style swung back to the cloudy , sedimented type , which is seen as a more natural product by today 's young audience .
7 But above all Section 28 will affect the operation which is seen as the heart of library censorship : book selection .
8 The long-term trend towards greater equality of income and wealth has been reversed under the Conservative governments of 1979 onwards and it is argued that this ‘ strategy of inequality ’ ( Child Poverty Action Group ) , which is seen as a direct consequence of the drive towards popular capitalism , has led to a major increase in poverty in the UK and to the possible emergence of an underclass , who lack any stake in popular capitalism and who are caught in the dependency culture .
9 Societies are thus seen as made up of three interconnected structures , each of which is seen as a mode of production , transforming raw materials into commodities .
10 Erm It all gets mixed up of course because there 's , there 's there 's erm erm Russia which is seen as a power , you know the reactionary power .
11 And and and romanticism which is seen as the as the movement which replaces the enlightenment in a sense .
12 Another and at least equally powerful strand says no , because it wants to emphasise the distinctive value of women 's insights , and also the special bond of sisterhood which is seen as binding women together , rather than letting them be absorbed and assimilated into he wider human group .
13 Not to be eclipsed by the opening of Euro Disney , which is seen as a short-break destination , Disney World is celebrating its 20th birthday throughout 1992 with new parades and attractions , thereby redoubling its efforts to attract thousands of transatlantic guests for a two-week ‘ holiday of a lifetime ’ .
14 Other approaches , including those of Douglas and Bourdieu , are concerned with consumers themselves as groups with interests , both cognitive and material , which are projected in patterns of objects , and in this case it is industry which is seen as handmaiden to the pattern of consumer group demands .
15 In particular , in Spain , Italy and also Germany , there is much discussion about a Mediterranean CSCE ( Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe , better known as the Helsinki process ) a long-term institutionalised process of dialogue and negotiation about all the problems of the region , which is seen as an alternative to Hurd 's Gulf Co-operation Council .
16 The technical training department set up the NEBOSH course , which is seen as a logical progression building from the broad base of safety representatives training .
17 The study analyses the stunted growth of this form of schooling and especially the complex reasons for its failure which is seen as a major defect in the formation of a skilled labour face in England , The research is based on the analysis of documentation in the Pro Kew and elsewhere .
18 Such policies are designed to promote the efficient allocation of resources through the encouragement of competition , which is seen as the active progenitor of economic efficiency and welfare .
19 It takes Paul de Man 's Allegories of Reading as its example and demonstrates that a multi-layered structure of different voices and personalities creates an untheorised confusion between a text and its reading : a confusion which is seen as a key factor in the impact of deconstruction in literary studies .
20 One advantage of being at home is that you will be less likely to have a caesarian section , which is seen as a last resort while in hospitals around 12pc of all pregnancies will end in an operation .
21 Iona members have donated to this independent project which is registered as a charity .
22 Second , heroin use has grown rapidly from a small baseline , and , whilst we shall have to describe the prevalence of heroin use ‘ hidden ’ from agencies , particularly in middle-class areas , it is not a long-standing activity suddenly discovered by labellers which is redefined as a problem .
23 To this end each transput device has an associated one-bit register , which is cleared as an operation starts and is set to one when it terminates ; an instruction is provided to read this register , and thus the programmer can establish when a transput operation is complete .
24 Which is rated as most dangerous , carbon dioxide or nuclear power ?
25 This is above all a narrative role , a role within a storyline which is unfolded as a teleology , that is a narrative moving towards a preordained conclusion , which structures the logic of preceding events .
26 As well as being classified , many establishments have applied for grading which is indicated as e.g. Approved , Commended etc .
27 This structure is represented at run time using an array of structures and an array of short integers , which is stored as a binary file .
28 The most notable feature is the extent to which teaching and research are increasingly inter-twined , which is viewed as a healthy sign of intellectual achievement .
29 The high number of joyful expressions about the salvation of the Führer , which is emphasized as a true stroke of fortune for the German people , is not only proof of the devotion and loyalty of the soldiers to the Führer , but of the firm determination of the soldiers to fight and conquer for him , which is also brought out in the letters …
30 Jewish education is understood in three phases : primarily in the home , which is regarded as a sort of mini-temple , so strongly are the emphases and traditions posited there ; at school , in the normal way , as with all growing children ; and at Hebrew school , which is attached to the synagogue under the rabbi or the teachers appointed by him .
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