Example sentences of "which [to-vb] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 bag in which to carry video gear
2 Used together they create an ideal setting in which to enjoy Christmas dinner .
3 To a minor , but relevant , purpose the local historian has , ready to hand , in easily available records , a wealth of material from which to establish immigration patterns in the geographical area being researched .
4 The only way in which to meet sulphur dioxide targets would be the adoption of a massive flue gas desulphurisation programme on existing coal-fired stations .
5 But it was William Wollaston 's process that rendered ‘ malleable ’ platinum available in quantities large enough for crucibles in which to concentrate lead chamber sulphuric acid , later to be superseded by contact acid made with the aid of a platinum catalyst .
6 President Herzog granted the Labour leader a further 15 days in which to secure majority support .
7 ‘ To provide a modern , high technology environment in which to consolidate company activities engaged in the development of software and systems using state-of-the-art techniques ;
8 Another difficult problem to overcome is the lack of an appropriate address list from which to allocate LIT payers to appropriate local authorities .
9 The report emphasised the seriousness of the greenhouse effect and warned that the world had ten years in which to halt forest loss .
10 In anticipation of the meeting of the Agriculture Council , will my right hon. Friend re-commit the Government to the search for an equitable basis on which to reduce farm prices within the European Community and worldwide and to reduce trade barriers as well ?
11 As the aim of the study was to obtain objective descriptions of the films with which to interpret memory performance it is clearly desirable to minimize any such feelings of risk , pausing the film every five seconds appeared to be an effective way of doing this .
12 This legislation had been hailed as a powerful weapon with which to seize drug barons ' fortunes but up to May last year police and Customs investigators had only been able to confiscate £11 million .
13 In so doing , they will increase our chairman 's profit margin and this in turn means he will be able to give me a three-figure budget with which to entice quality players .
14 Equally important , the more Microsoft talks to customers , the greater its chances of convincing them to adopt its new OS/2 operating system as the foundation on which to build office automation .
15 This year I have come across a group using a bothy as a base from which to run mountain walking courses .
16 Numbers not only give managers a better sense of their company 's impact on the environment ; they provide a baseline against which to judge waste reduction .
17 This will give the Library the flexibility to maintain accurate records of each of the buildings , and through interface with facilities management software , to build up full records of maintenance costs , asset registers , floor areas , and circuit diagrams , so producing accurate statistics on which to base maintenance decisions .
18 Philosophy has value in two ways : first , in helping the student to form an understanding of the character of knowledge claims in the student 's discipline ; and , secondly , in giving the student a framework in which to pose value questions of the course of studies .
19 If ROI is a relatively unimportant part of this reward system , it may then be used as a very useful diagnostic tool by which to assess operating performance .
20 The conference examined some of the key issues relating to CEHE and provided participants with examples of good practice in Community Enterprise and a very sound basis on which to develop Community Enterprise at Napier .
21 To provde a height datums against which to check glide path and altimeters .
22 Penteon ( tower ) has the extremely well protected Zebrik ( Ladder ) , V11 ( E1 5b ) — a good route on which to learn knot technique .
23 The 320 is a good sized board on which to learn funboard manoeuvres since uphauling is still possible .
24 Concrete can also be used as a base on which to lay paving slabs on five dabs of cement and sand , or you can bed crazy paving on it .
25 In particular three forms are prescribed , which to minimise translation problems are required to be printed either in all four official languages of the Organization of American States ( English , French , Portuguese and Spanish ) or at least in the languages of the states of origin and destination .
26 Nor do the years 1793 to 1815 mark an equally suitable period over which to examine wage movements for all trades .
27 In addition , it provides the logical level at which to undertake quality assessment , audit and utilisation review activities .
28 He restricted his investigation to the 2,200 or so words in the LDOCE core vocabulary , and took the sense definitions as the textual units over which to collect co-occurrence data .
29 But paying £56,000 for a house from which to collect train numbers is taking a hobby too far .
30 FOE 's case hinges on the " undertakings " made by water suppliers as part of the privatization process , under which the government allowed them a period of grace in which to bring water quality up to legal minimum standards .
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