Example sentences of "which [vb past] after the " in BNC.

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1 Wilberforce J held , among other things , firstly , that the retention provisions , which operated after the end of the employee 's employment , substantially interfered with his right to seek employment and therefore operated in restraint of trade ; secondly , that the transfer system and the retention system , when combined , were in restraint of trade and that , since the defendants had not discharged the onus of showing that the restraints were no more than was reasonable to protect their interests , they were in unjustifiable restraint of trade and ultra vires ; thirdly , that the court could examine a contract between employers only and declare it void on grounds on which such a contract would be declared void if it had been a contract between an employer and employee , and that it was open to an employee to bring an action for a declaration that such a contract was in restraint of trade , inasmuch as it threatened his liberty of action in seeking employment , which was a matter of public interest ; and , fourthly , that it was a case in which the court could and should grant the plaintiff the declarations sought .
2 Early in the next month the regent began the process of reconciliation , granting the magnates their letters patent and agreeing in a parliament ( which met after the Scottish victory at Stirling Bridge ) to renew and confirm the charters , which was done in october following .
3 The market must hope , however , that its business units do not emulate the mistakes which occurred after the City 's Big Bang and that the risky business of being a Lloyd 's investor becomes no more precarious .
4 The market must hope , however , that its business units do not emulate the mistakes which occurred after the City 's Big Bang and that the risky business of being a Lloyd 's investor becomes no more precarious .
5 Officials argue that the rise in the yen , so far , is nothing like as steep as the near doubling of the currency which occurred after the 1985 Plaza Accord .
6 Under SOGIT 1973 , the test of reasonableness was to be applied taking account of all the circumstances including those which occurred after the making of the contract , whereas , under UCTA 1977 , the test is to be applied to the terms of the contract at the time of contracting .
7 Potential problems regarding the treaty 's formal implementation , which surfaced after the former Soviet republics of Armenia and Byelarus said that they were unable immediately to ratify the accord , were circumvented by an extraordinary conference in Vienna at which representatives from 29 signatory nations approved " provisional application " of the treaty pending its ratification by Armenia and Byelarus .
8 Firms in North Wales here along the coast which came after the war of course .
9 There was also a highly partisan press , which flourished after the final lapsing of the Licensing Act in 1695 , and an examination of the war of words between the two parties suggests significant continuities with the party conflict of the Exclusion Crisis .
10 When John Lehmann published the second issue of Orpheus , an annual symposium of the arts which folded after the first two volumes , he employed Minton to design its dustjacket and small tail-pieces .
11 This accusation ( which followed after the submission of Jones ' abstract to the APS on 2 February ) was reported to Jones who in turn passed it on to the DOE funding agent Ryszard Gajewski .
12 In some ways a continuation of the drive against bourgeois liberalism which began after the 1980 elections , it mobilised the media , the CYL and other official agencies in efforts to stamp out undesirable imports .
13 The fighting in Bosnia-Hercegovina , which began after the republic 's declaration of independence on March 3 [ see p. 38832 ] , intensified throughout April .
14 In large measure this is attributable to the world recession which developed after the oil crisis in 1974 , although another contributory factor is associated with the failure of western societies to respond sufficiently quickly to the development of new technologies .
15 There did exist the small Northern Ireland Labour Party which disappeared after the fall of Stormont ; but it had been based on industrial workers , particularly in the shipyards , and remained much smaller in size than its Southern counterpart .
16 For example , if surgery were performed to remove all nerves supplying the part from which the complaint originated , this could be used as a test to decide if the word pain could be used to describe the condition which disappeared after the operation .
17 There were n't many others , er perhaps only four more er in the in the town , but we were associated with the with the er branch which looked after the interests of the co-op employees .
18 The Conservative strategy which emerged after the Great War , tentatively in the coalition years but powerfully under Baldwin , was a blend of the basic Salisbury recipe with added ‘ Manchester North-West ’ .
19 In our fifth report we compared the Leeds conception of PNP coordinator with other versions : the role of SEN coordinator which emerged after the 1981 Education Act , and that of curriculum coordinator , first tentatively identified by Plowden ( CACE 1967 ) , then developed in the 1970s and 1980s by HMI and others ( DES 1978b , House of Commons 1986 , Campbell 1985 , Taylor 1986 ) .
20 ( A publication which appeared after the preparation of this manuscript reported the normal range of arterial oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry at 1610 m altitude in Denver .
21 By this time the Jewish community in Greece had dwindled to something like 6,000 ( from the 11,000 which remained after the Nazi occupation ; 75,000 having been liquidated ) .
22 As we have seen , German arms achieved a separate Polish State which remained after the end of the war and the evacuation of the German armies .
23 Following an ETA truce between Jan. 8 and April 7 , 1989 , which ended after the breakdown of peace talks in Algiers [ see pp. 36627-28 ] , violence recommenced with the murder on April 12 of a Civil Guard .
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