Example sentences of "which [vb past] it the " in BNC.

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1 Of all the commercial cities of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Genoa is the best documented , for its marvellous series of notarial registers give us almost a comprehensive view of the sophisticated world of contracts and partnerships , of commerce near and far , which made it the home of a commercial empire stretching from the western Mediterranean to the Middle East .
2 The reasons for the widespread development of the particular form of alphabetic literacy evident in Greece must clearly be sought in the social structure ; Goody and Watt , however , insist that ‘ considerable importance must surely be attributed to the intrinsic advantages of the Greek adaptation of the Semitic alphabet , an adaptation which made it the first comprehensively and exclusively phonetic system tor transcribing human speech ’ ( ibid. pp. 40–1 ) .
3 Boston ( 1086–1113 ) too is a planted town , its plan related to the curving banks of the River Witham along which came the trade which made it the second most prosperous town after London by 1206 .
4 Which made it the more regrettable that , in an age when abortion is pressed on one as if it were a free sample , she should have contrived to have four children in six years — unwanted , dubiously parented , ill cared for .
5 The most significant of these was Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio , which made it the responsibility of an employee to show that an employer used practices adversely affecting women and minorities without any " business necessity " .
6 Nonetheless , prices are unlikely to drop further : TransTools made the mistake of launching its first database at too low a price , which lost it the prestige Ollero feels it deserves .
7 Perched high above the famous White Cliffs , this vast fortress commands the shortest Channel crossing to the Continent — a strategic position which earned it the title ‘ The Key of England ’ .
8 Aden 's usefulness was also acknowledged in the 1962 Defence White Paper , which gave it the status of a base .
9 Opren , a drug for treating arthritis , received a product licence — which gave it the right to be marketed in the UK — in March 1980 from the then minister .
10 The Royal Africa Company had to provide slaves for English colonists as a condition of keeping the charter which gave it the monopoly of the trade , and the colonists added to the injury of leaving their debts unpaid the insult of complaining that too few slaves were being delivered .
11 He heard the calm voice , but could feel the trembling body which gave it the lie .
12 Robyn strolled up the shopping mall with its glass and fancy tiles and green lush plants , which gave it the strange appearance of a tropical jungle littered with high-street stores , and considered which one of the high-class boutiques she should enter first .
13 About 85pc of the company 's product is sold overseas , a feat which won it the Queen 's Award for Export two years ago .
14 The city 's best season was the autumn , when the leaves were turning and it was filled with a soft golden light which carried it the name of Aurea Parma .
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