Example sentences of "which [pers pn] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Far up in the northern reaches of Canada roam vast herds of caribou , a deer which we in Europe call the reindeer .
2 We hope very much it will be useful , but as I tried to stress at the beginning , we very much see the problems of developing countries , which we in the Institute are working on , as part of the problems of what 's going wrong in the world at the moment , in which we in Britain very much have a stake too .
3 These councils have found that they have more cash available with which to repair , maintain and improve their remaining stock and that is a lesson which we in Cambridge will be well advised to listen .
4 We will not entertain it sir , because it raises a whole host of wider and different issues , many of which we in fact considered yesterday in the context of Stockton , if you will recall .
5 These are disease-free and nutritious and are best fed when they are fresh from the hatchery and still contain the marine algae , on which they in turn were fed , undigested in their stomachs .
6 Others complain he provides a moronic stereotype of black people for which they in turn must suffer .
7 The Levites are given the nation 's tithes ( one tenth of all the flocks and herds and produce ) , of which they in turn give one tenth to the priests .
8 Young children will often , for instance , feel a sense of responsibility for adverse events in which they in fact had no role at all , and hence experience a good deal of anxiety .
9 least periods of months and hopefully , well rather more than that , they would work things out in a way in which they in fact helped each other very considerably .
10 Working from the artists ' chance selections , Heinrichsmeyer created geometric paintings resembling those of the De Stijl group , which he in turn transposed onto the planar surfaces of over one hundred cubic armchairs .
11 Before the event , I had debated whether to bring my director to the event , to reinforce the quality image of the Association which he in effect supports by sponsoring me .
12 In the seventh book he found a letter which he in fact copied out and added to that collection .
13 The order which he in fact made was against the health authority requiring it to ‘ cause such measures ( including , if so required to prolong his life , artificial ventilation ) to be applied to [ the child ] for so long as they are capable of prolonging his life . ’
14 There had been intermittent heavy firing and tank movements around the presidential palace since the previous night , reportedly by dissident officers seeking to prevent Tesfaye Gebre Kidan from ordering a unilateral ceasefire — which he in fact did that evening .
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