Example sentences of "which [pers pn] now turn " in BNC.

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1 They are matters to which I now turn .
2 Whether I am so satisfied is the third question , to which I now turn .
3 This raises the question of political practices and the transnational capitalist class , to which I now turn .
4 To convince the inspector , the board will need to rely on its other arguments , to which we now turn .
5 The second major groups of carers to which we now turn are the younger ( usually ) relatives caring for an elderly disabled member of the household .
6 This is true to an even greater extent of the fertility decline to which we now turn .
7 The debate became a dispute only in the 1900s , coming to a head in the famous confrontation of 1910 , to which we now turn .
8 Other objections to traditional behaviourism can be transferred from their use with other related conceptions , to which we now turn .
9 It is precisely that connection to which we now turn .
10 The first ten years of the Peloponnesian War , to which we now turn , were to show that he did not , and that Periclean democracy — which was based on the power of money ( ‘ hail in due apportionment of wealth ’ say the chorus of Aeschylus ' Eumenides to Athens , line 996 ) and on the admiration of that power — was more precarious than Pericles had allowed .
11 The cornerstone of that ideology is the doctrine of judicial independence , to which we now turn .
12 This is due to the nature of social security provision to which we now turn .
13 Jessop 's viewpoint is informed by a structuralist critique to which we now turn for further elaboration of modern Marxist interpretations of power in capitalist society .
14 It is the problems of the inner cities to which we now turn .
15 Other schemes , to which we now turn , attempt to interweave statutory , voluntary , informal and , less often , commercial care .
16 The dashed lines show the effect of the corporate profits tax , to which we now turn .
17 In part this involves issues similar to those discussed with regard to direct democracy ; in part it is concerned with the control of the legislative branch over the bureaucracy , to which we now turn .
18 And both may be the result of a change of footing , to which we now turn .
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